Spyglass' Pro-recreational drugs speech!

Feb 12, 2001 02:46

what an intersting day...or two...or few...

well big news if i didnt tell you already...remember how a few months back (december) i went with my family to try out as extras for tom hanks new movie "the road to perdition" that they are filiming in chicago and is made by dreamworks and directed by the guy who directed "american beauty"...well they called me back. they want me to play an extra in some of the scenes! AND they are paying me for it! AND they are gonna cut my hair for the period (the depression) and they are gonna pay me 25$ for that! pretty kewl...actually i think i told you about it...but ifi didnt i'm just reminding you. anywho...the movie promises to be a great experince...even though i'm gonna hafta be at 110th and halsted at 4 am...that's a lil shitty...not to mention dangerours!

friday i didnt do shit except get asked to be in the movie. and oh yeah..i got a job at micheals! hell yeah!

saturday i played some hardcore unreal torny and kleaned the fuck up...i finally beat the rook level...i just hardballed it through the level! then i unlocked the challenge level and stared playing that. i beat the first thre guys no problem...but the 4th guy is insane!

after the unreal action i went up to jeff's. the train was 20 mins late, and i was a lil agittated...then it waited around in midlothian for another 10 min and made me even later and i was pretty eager to get up there and start squeefin it up! anywho...i got there no problem and got right down to business...i took a massive b-izzz-ong hit and filled the 3 foot shamber completely opaque....i hit it and got about 3 quarters of it and then i started swallowing the rest...NOT GOOD! i practically stroked out coughing. but who cares?! i was blasted for a good 3 hours...an excellent and economical high...here's why we should legallize weed...i mean one big ass bong rip and i was incapsitated for 3 fucking hours...to get that ripped off of legal substances...that would be a fortune! at least 20$...plus cover charge! unfortuantly we live in a corporate monopoly driving "democracy"....where if it doesnt work for big business it doesnt work PERIOD.

It's too bad weed is too good...it keeps itself illeagle cause its so potent and has such low risks. it would drive all the other vice's out of business...tobacco and alcohol industry would be completely ravaged...of course you'd get a ton of people who think they are too good for getting their mind blown and proceded to drink away their brain cells...the nice thing about weed is that you dont permenatnly loose the brain cells you are just rerouting the signals...alcohol just suffocates the fuck out of them till they die...which one is the better one? i'm obviously a marijuanna fan. for forty dollars you and about 5 friends can have a fantastic afternoon or evening and not leave the confines of your couch or porch. try having a great saturday night with you and 5 friends for under 40$ for everything...you'd be hard fucking pressed...about the only thing better is shrooms or acid...but you cant do thohse guys everyday! without causing serious damage or not being able to get high anymore in the case of the shrooms...plus the shrooms and acid are much harder to come by. they are a once in a LONG while thing. at least for me they are....but for your average vagabond cracked out raver...they are an everyweekend thing...again prooving drugs to become progressivly more intissing and addicting the stupider a person is.

just to set the record straight up to this point in my life...i have smoked acres of marijuana, and only done shrooms once...and i didnt really hallucinate that much...just felt really good. and acid...well i've never done it, and as of right now i dont think i will...well i'll probably do half a tab one day in the future...or more if its with the chemical bros. i'm pretty much agains t xtasy...its just too damn dangerous and you cant get a pure dose from anywhere...perhaps when i go to amsterdam or london i'll do it...but not until or otherwise. i've read far too much shit on mdma to go running around doing it every weekend...and i think i'm too old to anyway. of course i'm all for other people expanding their minds on acid and extasy...i couldnt care less...as long as you are maintaining balance in what you do then you'll be fine...it's all about walking the middle way with drugs...if you smoke too much pot you start to loose touch with reality and think your the best fucking musician in the world and not have written anything in 6 months...like i did! and if your not smoking any pot...your gonna have a difficult time thinking outside the box enough to do some very original and intersting things...i try to think of at least one really fucked up musical thing when i get high each time...and i come up with something everytime. usually i'll think of like 10 things but i only remember one, then i go home and try to recreate the idea i had...and usually its just as kewl as when ithought of it!on top of it i know it will sound good when i'm stoned cause i' came up with it stoned!

well that's enough talk about drugs...but i think that people should talk about drugs more...if our society continues to just push drugs under the carpet and keep labelling and treating every drug like its fucking crack then our culture isnt going to go anywhere but down. i think that recreational aspects of certain low grade psychadelicas should be seriously looked at as alternatives to alcohol...and also for their medicinal purposes. but i'm more an advocate of recreational drugs...since i think its a much safer and cheaper way to have fun. Did you know it would take 40lbs of marijuanna to overdose from THC? and did you also know ...mom's out there...that no dealer is going to cut anything less then the narcotic itself with heronie or cocaine....so all you x heads out there who think your taking coke or heroine in your X tablets think again...cause heroine and coke cost so much that its cost preventative to cut your dumb ass asprin pill soaked in mdma with them. And acid is NOT made from gasoline...its concentrated lsd. although lsd is a very dangourous drug...and should never be taken in excess i think if the FDA regulated a special recreational drug market and forced the manufacture's to follow specifical guidline and stuff and taxed the hell out of it...then we wouldnt need to fight a stupid ass drug war...and because the dose's were pure the kids wouldnt go and OD on X or acid...and the pot would be so potent that even the most seasoned pot head (like myself) would be able to stay awake for more then 15 minutes after the peak!

in conclusion...lets leaglize low grade psycotropics and psychadelics so that we can have fun iwthout killing our braincells or our bodies....and i think that the most important point that needs to be made about our government is that WHO THE FUCK GAVE THEM THE AUTHORITY TO TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CANT PUT IN MY BODY!!! my body should be off limits to the state...my body is autonomous of the state, i can leave the state and HEY they cant control me anymore! we need to stop thinking and allowing our governments to be limitless in power...a government is only as strong as the people allow it! and if enough of us say..."hey man that shit aint gonna fly" they hafta listen...or we dont hafta listen to them!


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