The Red wolf continues

Feb 07, 2001 00:56

perhaps i do too many drugs...however i dont think drugs have anything to do with my dreams...especially the red wolf dream. it was just to damn kewl, and too damn real for it to be just drug induced side effects...that dream was a vision i think, a subconsious (spelling) vision into myself. although there are parts of that dream that i withheld from retellings since they are well...not meant for public viewing. that dream has deep inner meaning for me. The relationship that i had in the dream to the other animals and their summoner's is a reflection of my own feelings that i have had my entire life. Although, i and redwolf were a part of the others, a part of a team, i felt as like an outsider to the rest of them. i didnt really belong, that is why the evil guy targeted me, and someone sacrificed themselves for my good. i of courrse had to harm myself to make my spirit animal good again, which shows atonement for the sacrifice. Now i see the incredible similarties between my dream and the early 80's cartoons series Voltron. In the fact that there is a black lion in it, and the whole color scheme thing. But i still believe that this dream was more then the just product of my over active imagination and my subconscious. the dream was a real awakening for the person i am inside and who and what i must endure to fullfill my purpose in the team.

i hope that dream becomes a reaccurring one. i was/am energized creativley by it. both in the metaphorical nature of the dream and in the way that it has gotten my to think in a new direction about life, to try and think outside of the supermundane life that we all lead. I guess that this dreams true siginifigance comes from the fact that it has caused me to re-evaluate the spiritual conclusions i have recently made, as far as my purpose in life. Perhaps the taste of adventure i got from the vision, and the sense of edgy, rawness, is a call to myself to go out and explore more adventuresome avenue's, even to take more risk's.

I'll let you know how it all goes!

Now my report about today....
Today i went to non-western was alright, we finished up Africa and are moving to native america....saw mike, talked with him a bit. i came home...went to talk to the dude at home depot about a job...he wasnt i need a job!

came home...there was a guy from the trib there interviewing my family about a story...that was kewl...i didnt get usual.

me and ken went out for a cup of joe, and talked...i got creativly juiced, so we left so i could go write...but i had to study BIO for 3 hours and watch that sucked cause i wasnt able to get to work on my song that is a tribute to the dream i had about the red wolf.

I am the Red Wolf....I am Spyglass.
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