(no subject)

Jan 16, 2001 01:08

what the hell happend?

where did the day go? i remember waking up, but i can barley remember what the hell happend today, its just a big old blur. no drugs were even thought of all day, so i dont know what happened to me. Anywho, i remmber waking up around 10:00 to my alarm, it musta been set from the previous day. I woke up and bridge told me that a friend of the family's was coming over with her 3 kids. now granted i havent seen this friend of the family in almost 2 years...however, at 11:00am on a holiday...i'm not getting up for God! So i went back to sleep and got jarred awak again at 12:00 by this friends kids hitting out piano and my sister screatching away a horrbile version of "hot cross buns" on her clarinet...seriously why the hell did we encourage her to take band....why didnt i remember that kinds in junior high band...they absolutly suck! anywho...i decided that there was no way i could sleep, or scream at them so i just woke up.

ate breakfast with the family friends and my mom...i discovered i am also extremly old...one of our family friends kida thought i was my sister's DAD...now that freaked me out...yes i'm 20, yes i can have children...but i am WAY too young to have kids and i thought that anyone could see that...aparently to a 5 yr old...i am old as dirt.

i played with the dog, took down some captin crunch and then took care of the three S's (shit, shower, shave). after my shower the family friends were gone, and michelle gave me a call. her and megan were doing some shopping and i decided that i had nothing better to do but go along with them. Then thai called. Thai of course down for anything as well decided that he wanted to come with. So when they came to pick me up we headed over to thai's. but on the way we stopped at Ulta3 (a cosmetic's store) to see our high skool friend sarah...i havent seen sarah since we graduated, but we always had a good time together in HS, so it was fun to see her again. after ulta3, we headed over to thai's house. but thai had gone out to drop off his bro somewhere, michelle didnt feel like even waiting a full 5 minutes and so we left and went to the ole 7-11 and picked up some slurpee's. Good old slurpee's you can always count on at least one slurpee flavor beign good...however...ALL OF THEM SUCKED TODAY! i dont know why, but sanjay wasnt doin his job right and all the different color's had the wrong flavor and most of them werent' even squish-i-fied yet...but do the ten stoner commandments not say "if thou art in the vacinity of thy house (7-11) thou must pick up some delicious squishy" so i made a disscusting misxture and slurpped that mofo down on the way up to MVCC cause michelle wanted to buy her books BEFORE classes started. Now what i dont understand is i thought that everybody went and bought their books the day after their first two classes, so that they could decide which books they actually needed and if the book store sold out that then you had an excuse not to do work! but aparently michelle either isnt aware of this universal cheat, or just doesnt care!

anywho..to make a long story short we went to the mall after the books store, not until me and meagan were done giving these superficial tanning saloon girls so brutal behind their back sarcasim!

at the mall the lady's decided to go to victoria's secret. Me not wanting to envision every female customer in their underwear regardless of age or WEIGHT, i decided to just sit outside the store. where despite my efforts not to envision overly revealing lingeie on ugly women, i did anyway, when lthese 2 sophomore chicks came up to talk to their sophomore boyfriends...eww...man...did girls in high skool actully get uglier since i graduated? i think its a state of mind, becasue when i was in high skool i was so fucking concerned with my own apperance (or at the end of my HS career, the lack of it) that i didnt really pay attention to anyone else...especially acne. Now when i was in HS i didnt have a RAGe-in case of acne, but i had quite a bit (thanks to the pool i didnt hafta worry about it too much since my skin was almost always dry from choloriene). anywho, yeah so the past two day's i have totally noticed people's acne...only HS kids though, for some reason it is just soo hidieous on like some of the people i have seen over the past few days tthat i couldnt even look at their face's. Acne is a fucking stupid thing...i feel bad for anyone who has it, cause it is this temporary thing that you never know when it is TOTALLY going to go away...basically you just hafta wait for your HS diploma. for some reason the minute you get your HS diploma your acne just starts to clear up...like i had acne on my graduation day and the day after, its gone. its like some curse some evil medievel witch put on all HS kids in the medievel times and it has stayed in the genese ever since! enought about acne!

M&M then dropped me off at home cause we were done hanging for the day, and by that time it was like 5:30...oh wait...we got somethign to eat! today i started veganism...well halfway started. i started the much talked about subway diet and i am determined to lose 50lbs on it! but the only sub's i am going to eat are the veggie subs so that it is totally vegan! then from their i will expand. but i hafta keep up my self-confidence level through till tommorow afternoon, i am gonna try and join the MVCC gym and start using one of their eliptical running machines to get back in shape with. I pretty much figured that if i eat two veggi subs a day, that like 500cal, then if i run for a half hour, there is 500cal gone. so basically i will loose 2,000cal a day. since the human body just sitting there burns 2,000cal. i dont remember how many cals' are in a lb but, i'm sure we'll see soon. i'm going to go weight myslef right now...209.5lbs...shit i'm a heffer! Hopefully that will be down by next week. I'l'l report on a day by day bassis so i can keep track in here! this is a bit of a private matter, but if i lose the weight then i dont know, i'll send this section of my journal to subway! i want to get back down to like 160lbs or 170lbs...that would be nice.

So i finally got my fucking GL wave 424 to work...nothing stopping me from making musik now except my own talent! and money! hopefully the music will start to flow!

anywho, hopefullly i will have somethign more fullfilling online tommorow!

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