Sep 06, 2010 17:14

NIGHTMINDS IS FINISHED! I just finished the last chapter. Now I'm going to print it out, do a massive edit and then create the PDF for everyone to download.

wow I am treating myself with booze tonight. I actually am going to make a few big changes to what you have already read so it will be a fun re-read for everyone who has already stuck with me for the first 15+ chapters. the final chapter count is 26 (+prologue) with a word count of 78,000 - about 104 pages. This may change slightly after my edit.

I am so happy. I swear this is the turn of a new leaf for me. The next thing I probably will be working on is some original work and a white collar peter/neal fic I've been dreaming about for a while. My boyfriend has offered to make me a web page to post my stuff on so hopefully there will be more and more things for you to read in the near future! <3

nightminds, writing, batman/joker

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