Nightminds ~ Chapter 15

Feb 23, 2009 22:38

Title: Nightminds
Chapter: 15 of ?
Author: spygirl690
Disclaimer: Wow I wish they were mine, but they aren't. So don't sue me.
Rating: NC17
Paring: Batman/Joker
Warning: drug use, language, sex, graphic violence in later chapters
Summary: This story examines the months Bruce spent at Princeton before returning to start his journey in Batman Begins. The title was inspired by the Missy Higgins song Nightminds.
Beta: A.S. you are the bomb baby!

Find all previous chapters of Nightminds here

Chapter 15

It was that odd hour in the morning where the sun had risen, but it hadn't had enough time to shake off the orange hue of dawn. It snowed last night, the delicate piles on the window's of Bruce Wayne's bedroom shifted in the cutting wind outside. The shifting snowdrifts caused small shadows to dance through the morning light, streaming in through the window and painting the ceiling of Bruce's room.

Hands tucked behind his head, Jack watched the shadows on the ceiling, feeling a state of contentment he hadn't felt in a long time.

Morning was when Jack did his best thinking. Many people would be surprised that, despite his nocturnal profession, he woke up early and let his mind plot through the upcoming day's events. Jack's mind was back to work as usual, as he lay under soft burgundy sheets contemplating what happened last night.

Jack's mind returned to the heated fumble-fuck he and Bruce had indulged in against the billionaires living room wall. A smile slid across his lips, he couldn't imagine a better “yay you just got out of jail” present. He had planned it a little differently, but when he saw Bruce bent over in his kitchen...well, he was only a man after all. The end result had been the same and that was all he cared about.

Bruce had stopped thinking, if only for a little while. If Jack wanted to succeed he had to make sure Bruce continued to focus on what could be instead of what should be.

Jack turned to look at Bruce who was sleeping soundly on his side, facing away from him. Jack studied Bruce's back, tracing the muscles in his shoulders down to where they connected to his spine. When he got to the edge of the blanket around Bruce's hips he didn't have to use too much imagination to envision what was below.

I could push the pieces off the board and play in the curves of his neck, the taught muscles of shoulders....

Jack looked away, his mind abruptly switching to midterms next week. He put a few plans in place to prepare for the worst. After a triumphant return to his sociology class today he'd have to go seek his pawns out and make sure they were all still in place. Though if things went as planned he wouldn't be at school next year anyways...

The hush of shifting sheets pulled Jack out of his thoughts. He turned his eyes to Bruce who had rolled onto his back. One hand was still tucked under his head, while the other rested by his side. Jack had to admit he'd never gotten a man this handsome into bed before. He let out a silent laugh and shook his head. Last night was awesome - he could definitely teach Bruce everything he needed to know to turn him from a great screw into the fuck of a lifetime.

Jack wanted to keep things going last night, but the past week's ordeal zapped the energy out of both of them. He meant it when he said Bruce looked liked he hadn't slept in a week. They both quickly dropped into sleep next to each other in Bruce's luxurious bed after stripping out of their spunk-splattered clothing..

Jack took in the dimensions of the king bed he slept in, the several hundred dollar sheets that slid along his skin and the thousands of dollars of furnishings that surrounded him. He briefly wondered if this is what Marilyn felt like after she nabbed JFK... or if it had been the other way around.

This wasn't what Jack was after. It wasn't hard to get a rich guy in his line of work. Besides, he had money to spare. Money clogged your senses and gives a false sense of security. It was a stupid goal, child's play. Something any hustler with a high school education could pull off. Jack was better than that, he could do far more than that.

His eyes turned back to Bruce. His mind went quiet as he stared at the billionaire while he slept. Sometimes not thinking was good for both of them. Slipping into thoughts like the one he had a moment ago was pointless. Spotting the stiff mound of Bruce's morning erection under the sheets Jack licked his lips. Bruce had slept long enough.

Jack crept across the sheets. With a delicate hand he slid the sheets off Bruce, paying attention to every movement. Don't want to wake him before the fun starts, Jack thought with a smile uncovering a boxer-clad Bruce Wayne. Bruce's movement caused the fly of his boxers to slid to the side, denying Jack the easy access he had hoped for.

“Playing hard to get I see, Mr. Wayne,” Jack muttered under his breath as he poked one finger inside the opening of fabric.

He tugged slightly, sliding the hole over. It offered an exquisite keyhole view of Bruce's lower abdomen as it slid from the smooth skin of his hip, then to his abdomen, and then into the dark curls surrounding his cock. Jack appreciated Bruce's habit for sleeping heavy as he gingerly reached through the hole and pulled Bruce's half-hard member through. He knew Bruce would wake up any moment so he didn't have time to waste. It was difficult to maneuver a good blow job from the side, but Jack would have to make due until Bruce woke up and he could reposition himself.

Licking his lips once, Jack sucked Bruce's cock into his mouth. Even in the morning he still tasted amazing, Jack circled his tongue around the tip. He ran his tongue from tip to base and then back up again, loving the feeling of Bruce getting harder under his touch.

Bruce let out a groan and started to move, not quite conscious yet.

“Jack, what the?” Bruce jerked his hips up in surprise, his cock slamming against the back of Jack's throat, making him gag.

Jack coughed as he watched Bruce sit up and adjust himself back inside his boxers.

“I don't mind deep throating Bruce, but a little warning would be nice,” Jack started to crawl between Bruce's open legs.

“What are you doing?”

Event though Jack was advancing on him, Bruce hadn't moved. Too late to play hard to get. Jack got to his knees and ran his hands along Bruce's inner thighs. With the headboard behind him, Bruce couldn't back away. Jack smirked, he had a habit of backing the billionaire into a corner. Jack captured his mouth in a hot kiss and pulled away, his hands edging closer to Bruce's cock.

“Trying to finish what I started,” Jack's hands were at Bruce's fly now, tracing a delicate line around the opening.

Bruce was breathing heavy now, his eyes a mixture of lust and morning haze. Jack kissed him again, placing a hand behind Bruce's head and guiding it back until it rested on the head board. When he was sure Bruce would stay put, he moved his mouth downward. He stopped at the base of Bruce's throat to tease the sensitive skin there before making his way further down the magnificent body before him. Jack took a detour to pull one of Bruce's nipples into his mouth.

Jack heard Bruce grunt through clenched teeth and felt him buck his hips. You’re welcome, Jack thought, smiling against the textured skin under his lips. Jack nipped his way over to Bruce's other nipple, earning himself another moan and a stiff reminder of what he really wanted to get his mouth on.

Shifting his attention southward, Jack let the tip of his tongue drag down Bruce's stomach to the band of his boxers. Jack turned his eyes up to look at Bruce, his tongue still flicking against the skin a few inches below Bruce's bellybutton.

Bruce's eyes were focused on him.

On the rare occasion when he would go down on a guy they would look away or close their eyes. But not Bruce, he looked directly at him; like he was daring him in some way. All rational thoughts melted away and Jack's only thought was how hot it was. He lifted his head away from Bruce's body and returned the challenging look. “I can stop if you want me to.”

Silence stretched between them. Jack could feel the hint of a pulse beating through Bruce's thighs. He tried to steady his face and look calm, like he wouldn't care if Bruce kicked him out of his bed. What really ate at Jack was that he did care. After the taste of Bruce last night he was addicted. All he wanted was his next hit, to take them to the next level and the new high that came with it.

The soundless hum of the moment stretched on until Jack was sure Bruce was going to tell him to go.


Jack didn't hide his excitement at Bruce's reply. “Your wish is my command.”

He swallowed Bruce's cock in one quick moment. Bruce cried out, the muscles in his legs stiffening under Jack's hands. Jack moved his legs forward so he didn't have to support his hands on Bruce's thighs. Now he could kneel and wrap one hand around the base of Bruce's erection. Jack hummed slightly as he slid his mouth up and down, his hand following a few inches behind his lips.

“Jack...” the word escaped Bruce's mouth in a choked whisper. Jack took it as a good sign and hummed a little steadier, sure the vibrations from his mouth were driving Bruce towards the edge.

His cock was amazing, thick and long and incredibly hot in Jack's mouth. Jack had to use all of his willpower to not reach between his own legs and stroke himself to relieve the bittersweet pleasure building inside him.

Jack's eyes flicked upward. Bruce was still looking at him. Jack's left hand gripped Bruce's thigh tighter. Jesus Christ, that's hot, he thought as he pressed his tongue against the thick vein running along the bottom of Bruce's cock. That look in Bruce's eyes was just too much to take; a mixture of heat, disbelief and something Jack couldn't put his hand on. Now all he could think of was getting Bruce off so he could get to his own needs.

Jack took his hand away and adjusted himself so he could swallow Bruce whole again. He kept humming as best he could as he let Bruce's thick cock slide down the back of his throat.

Disjointed phrases were dribbling from Bruce's lips now, “want...Jack...good...ugh...god...don't stop...”

Jack twisted his head slightly as he came out of each swallow. A trick he learned from an innocent choir boy years ago. It wasn't long until Bruce was moving his hips in time with Jack's mouth. Almost there, Jack thought as he pulled his mouth back to the tip and started working the base of Bruce's cock with his hand.

It only took a few strokes.

“Jack I'm going to...”

Jack sucked two more times before he heard the billionaire cry out and felt his seed slide down the back of his throat.

Jack sat up and made a show of licking his lips.

My turn.

nightminds, batman/joker

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