Miss.C messed around with one of her guy friends last night - we're over.

Jan 28, 2009 12:47

Basically the title says it all so only read this entry if you want to hear the details.

lastnight we were supose to meet up but she said she got called into work. I texted her a few times through the day, knowing she might not reply because she was at work. I sent her one last text saying I would be up late and she could call me if she wanted.

I woke up this morning feeling emotionally sick. I figured it was because I hadn't taken my meds. I was late for work - late for a big meeting. Really having a shitty day. So I sent Cait a text

"becareful driving today! xoxo"

she responds some time later:
"hey kat...i'm sorry i haven't been in touch with you lately...i went over my friend jake's house after work last night...whether he is gay or not i don't know..."

me: "don't get mad but - did something happen?"

Miss.C: "but apparently he has strong feelings for me...and i have feelings for him too...whether its just friends or more i don't know yet...but things happened."

I'm floored. I'm in work, sitting at my desk. I was skipping lunch because I was late. I start to bawl.

Miss. C: " and i'm really sorry."

me: "so we're not dating anymore I take it."

Miss. C: "i think ur awesome...sweet, smart, nice and extremely hot...but u and i both know u don't deserve that."

I text my work friend kevin quickly. he leaves lunch and sees if i'm ok. I'm crying to much. I head for the hallway and huddle in the shelter of an unfinished confrence room. I'm crying so hard. I feel like I'm going to throw up.

Miss. C: " I know I am probably making a big mistake but i already made it... and i'm sorry...if u feel as if we can still b friends...even in the future I would love that."

I texted back that I couldn't believe she had done this. That I wish she had been more honest with me. At least if I had known she wanted to see other people this wouldn't have been such a shock.

I still have three hours of work left. This day sucks big fucking balls.  

miss.c, work, relationship

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