Little victory!

Dec 24, 2008 09:06

My work dosen't have livejournal blocked. *evil laughter*

I'm so excited for Christmas. *dances*

I know I've had zero luck with the girl search via Craigs list but I think I may give it another try. Because, well in NH that is pretty much the only way to meet other bisexual/lesbian women. Ugh I wish I lived in a big city, I know there would be more of a gay community there. As it is the community in NH is small, if not nonexistant. I'll have purplelev help me write up a little blurb.

Also on the dating front I had someone I met tell me she knows a guy who would be "perfect" for me. Ex marine, 30, professional chef, going back to school for accounting, loves cats, owns a condo. Sounds pretty great except for the 30 thing. Because, honestly, 30 is when you start thinking about settling down and I could not be FURTHER away from that point of view. I want to travel the world and live in different countries. So i'm going to friend him on my facebook and we'll see.

One of my co-workers just told me about a date he went on with a girl he met. He is so excited, it's adorable. That is the best part, when you are just getting to know someone - all that excitement. I love that.

bisexuality, dating, work, gay

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