Oct 12, 2006 22:49
i know they aren't because i just saw them on stage. played by the same person. twas fantastique. Really though, the whole "extra credit Hamlet performance" was amazing. It was put on by 5 Shakespeare scholars from London, and I have to say, it redeemed for me all that Palmer's class did to the play. 5 people playing a lot more than 5 parts could go horribly or smoothly and it was lovely.
in other news, eating at the same place day in day out is beginning to wear on me. kinsolving dining hall, i both love and hate you. your "vegetarian day" failed to impress.
class is getting hard. so far, things have been challenging but not actually difficult. today in statistics, it was all i could do not to cry. marshal (one 'l', different marshall) helped me through all he could, but there's a point where my lack of reading the textbook is going to catch up with me. aka i will fail. i have yet to get an A on a test.
also, flipping salsa class is getting hard. what's up with that? why does my recreational dance class have to get hard? what? plus, if you get stuck with "mean boy" or "salsa god" as a partner, they'll put you to shame and be bitchy about it. so euh. salsa is still fun and even more fun to practice, but i guess i need to do more of that... practicing.... stuff.....
oooooooh tuesday night midnight dance parties in the courtyard are the ideal study break. we all put in our headphones and dance with abandon. to the observer, it must look crazy to have 50+ people dancing in silence. to us, it is beautiful <3
sheesh i should update more often.