Apr 25, 2007 13:38
The last 4 days have been..... interesting to say the least. First off Saturday sucked. I worked all day on no sleep then I go to Jay and Al's to party and take a load off... Well, I did shoot a whole load of gun in Chrissy's face.. He deserved it! Honestly, you don't call a girl a whore of all things!! Let alone other bad names tagged on to that! What do you expect! I was drunk and very angry! He's lucky he still has testicles and a face, I would have ripped off both if I could reach him from where I was sitting. Well at least the walk home was entertaining!
Mikey refer to the following paragraph that I was going to post as a comment (can you finally add me as a friend, please?):
Hokay, so I woke up the next morning and there was a gnome by the door.... I totally don't remember where that came from I'm assuming I stole it though.. :) It scared the shit outta me when I went to put my shoes on in the morning. Where we smoking a cigar? Because my throat hurt the next morning too...
At least Sunday night went alot better! I was just about to leave work and sleep out my hangover when Matty and his Sup Munesh walked in the door. Apparently the HT boys were going laser tagging courtesy of the Monster rep. They booked 12 people to go and 3 people were sick or not showing up, so they asked Rob (our sales Manager) and I if we wanted to go free laser tagging. Naturally we both said "Hell yeah!". So I went in my BB uniform (I did take off the blue shirt though). Damn that was a work out though, I had never been laser tagging before and I kicked Robs ass! HA! It was a little weird being the ONLY girl there. But still very fun despite it being incredibly stuffy and hot. I ended up bailing a few hundred times while running and body slamming the only other girl during the last game (she came outta nowhere). The last game was teams, BB vs. everyone else, which was 3 teens and a hand full of eight year olds. Needless to say we kicked their asses, no surprise. After 2 1/2 hours of solid laser tagging, and needing a shower badly (not as bad as some of those guys though whew!) we went to the Fox and Fiddle for beer and eats. The things boys talk about when girls aren't around, at this point (2 pitchers of beer later) I was considered one of the boys........ Gee thanks guys, but don't ask me what a "gunt" is I'm not repeating that! They did have awesome Calamari though, mmmmm. And the Fizzy Fuzzy Navels and Bottle Rockets were to die for!!!
Monday was the same ol' same ol', except for being asked out by a dork from computers.. It came outta no where! We were talking about WII games. He was said "That Trauma Center game was really cool but I can't get used to the controls. Call of Duty has better controls. Hey, do you wanna see a movie some time this week?" I started laughing after he said it because I thought he was kidding. Call me a bitch all you want but I barely know him! I didn't know he was serious!!!!!! So I got nervous and told him I would think about it. I've been avoiding him since. I don't know what to say, no ones ever asked me out at work before, or out at all!! Unfortunately the computer Sr knew about this and shortly after that so did the rest of HT (thanks Brian for telling Matty) and half of management, turns out Rob can't keep a secret. I wonder if I will live this down?? Amo if you read this again please don't say anything!! I trust that you can keep a secret. On top of all that Cid left for Toronto for 2 weeks . I already miss her.. I haven't gone 2 weeks without seeing her since she left for Italy back in high school. It makes me so sad.
And even after 3 days my legs still ache... I need to work out or something.