Feb 19, 2007 19:36
Hmmm it's been awhile. Let me think did anything exciting go down in the last 2 months? Hell no. My birthday came and went and nothing happened. My Mom kinda forgot as well, I love my family.
Workie: Learning to be Media Sup while my Sup is gone (he really wants to leave). The next few weeks will be pretty stressful but I will deal. Note to self: stop wasting hard earned money on things that I don't need (ie: TV, camera (a shitty one but cheap), MUSIC).
Personal: I can't wait for Tenacious D tomorrow that will be awsome! I must pick up a few stickers and little things for those who aren't going, Mike? :)
I also started playing WOW again, not sure if that's a good thing or not. I remember how boring it is to play alone. As it turns out I was paying for the last 3 months but I didn't know it, it was being charged to my Visa. So the customer service people gave all that time back to me and now I have 3 extra months to play. I wonder if I'll be too bored to keep playing that long. Oh well.
I read the newspaper about a week ago and I say that there was a snipet about the new Harry Potter! Cool beans!!! I can't wait for that! And yet I can because that will mean no more HP after that. And I don't know if i want to read the new book if Harry Dies! That is soo incredibly sad.
Love? None for me as usual. But what should I do about the guy I like? I love being his friend but can I ignore my feelings? And I'm not telling him! I think that would be awkward. I'm told by his a good friend of his that he's a pretty big male...... uhhhhh... I think tease is the wrong word but it gets the point across, he likes attention. And I like to give him that :) Him and I think on the same level, it's almost scary at times. Ahhhhh Wolfman.