Jul 03, 2008 09:39
So, the Florida legislators just passed a bill that allows people with concealled weapons permits to carry their guns to work and in stores. Now, I have a gun and believe that people have a right to protect their homes and family. But at what point does it go to far? Now, I need to worry about someone who may or may not be intelligent packing heat in the presence of my daughter. What about a business-owner's right to keep guns out of his or her store? What do we need to protect ourselves from that we need a gun on us at all time? We really do have a culture of fear, don't we? We are so conditioned to be scared. Well, now I am scared. Of the idiot standing next to me who can't get extra fries, so he starts blasting.
Great. Just eff-ing great.
Feel free to disagree with me and post your thoughts. I'm open to dialogue.