annnd look what i found

May 14, 2009 14:28

I'm totally pic spamming you all with some pics from the last few days..So suck it up :P

We got Oreo a rawhide bone and she loved it..

She was rolling around on her back in front of mom so I took a couple of pics lol Goofy dog.

Then today when mom and I got home after cashing my $20 check from dad, there was a turlte in the driveway one one side and as soon as it heard the car it made a frickin BEELINE for the other side lol XD So mom was like GET IT! Kyle will want to see it when he gets home. So I hopped out of the car and grabbed the little sucker once he was in the tall grass on the other side.

BTW I HAAATE the feeling of grass.. it's just.. ugh. Yes I'm weird, thanks.

When we got down to the house I took some pics of it..cuz I don't know if the orange means it's a she or if it means it's a he *shrug* And the funny thing is, that it's not like most turtles. When you pick up most turtles they scrunch themselves in their shells to get away from you, no this one just kept trying to run in mid air LOL it was hilarious!

I love how he/she matched my car XD..*sniff* I miss driving my car :(

Oh shit! It's the dog!

Run away on top of mom's car!

Do you have to keep sticking that in my face?

Shit that dog is huge! O.o

Ha.. I made it stand up on mom's car

Then I stuck him in a box to show Kyle later.. it's still in the box just in my room on the floor here next to me instead of outside.

and one more thing, a video of the turtle trying to run from me XD My voice pops in at the last minute being a little loud, so sorry if I scare you lol1

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Ahhh.. I'm such a bitch to nature's creatures XD
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