(no subject)

Nov 23, 2009 21:46


I'm standing at a bus stop by the hospital when a very tall and bloody man dressed in blue scrubs approaches me, collapses partially onto my shoulders. He's massive, under his weight my back buckles and I crumble to the ground whimpering in pain. He falls too, lays there, his breathing shallow and quick. Nothings wrong, just alert the media, he tells me. Of what? No idea.

So into the hospital I run, where I'm screaming for help and an old woman comes to me, lays her hands on my shoulders, pushes me gently into a chair. She asks me a string of questions about the bleeding man as I plead for her to let me go back to him. She just nods, hums, and cuts off all my hair. Dyes it purple. I am a pixie.

He's 7'11". Why? Because last night I had a conversation about how tall a person should before considered a giant. This man is a giant. He looks like Chuck, because Chuck is the tallest person I know. He has blond hair, green eyes, and pale skin.

So eventually I squirm free from the old woman's hands, and go back to the bus stop. He is still there, this time dressed normal(black coat, jeans), but still seems to be hurt. We chat idly, the bus comes and he pulls me onto it with him while I ask repeatedly which bus it is, anxiety filling me. He ignores me, doesn't seem to speak my language. Then I realize that the bus we are on is completely packed with people, all talking. It's extremely loud. I hold up my hands, displaying different numbers of fingers. It's the 9. The 9? What the fuck. This causes me to panic. I apologize and tug the yellow chord, hop of the bus, and find myself in front of what initially appears to be a mall.

I enter to find Aimee and my mom there waiting to take me clothes shopping. We wander around for a while, my sister and I picking up frilly, sequined, colorful clothing and putting them in a pile. Then a song I recognize starts to play. Red Eye, the Album Leaf. I stop, look up. The ceiling dissipates. I mean, I watch it fade slowly like gas until I am gazing up at the night sky dotted with brilliant stars and swirls of turquoise, purple, and red. It takes my breath and I tell everyone around me to look up. Just as they do a meteor shower begins, the lights dashing across the sky in groups of 10-15, disappearing into blackness. I am filled with dread, and I can't breath. My chest hurts, the sky begins to vibrate. It's going to collapse onto us.

The ground shudders violently, the walls shrink and expand, blurring every time and changing into brick. Racks of clothing are consumed by the floor as it too turns to stone.

I am running out of this mall, now a castle, through narrow corridors bellowing at my mom and sister to stay behind me. They don't. They lag behind and every bit I advance past falls into a void. I find a way out. Bursting into the light of day, I find myself standing in a beautiful garden, and when I turn around, my mom and sister are just behind me... but the castle disappears and so does my fear for their safety.

As I get my bearings, I notice that I am not alone. Men and women surround me. They're all tall, fair-skinned, light-eyed, and dressed in white. The old woman is there. They lead me silently away and, I don't remember how, we reach an old New Orleans-style mansion in a swamp. Apparently this is their home. I'm fuzzy here, I don't remember this part too well. We spend time here and I learn that these people are all magical, and they are my family. All of these beautiful, glittering people.

This is where I wake up for the first time. I'm really disappointed to be waking up, especially because my bladder is full and I find that someone is in the bathroom. So I go outside into the cold naked, and pee. Much better. Once I get back upstairs it's extremely difficult to find comfort next to Ben, but eventually I do(sort of) and fall back asleep going over the details I remember from my dream as I drift.

Now I enter dreamworld in a house where I feel imprisoned. Ben is there, but he leaves in pursuit of another woman, a friend probably, but feelings dictate otherwise. As I wander around this unfamiliar place without him I realize that it belongs to his family and no one present is paying much attention to me, they are treating me like I don't belong there.

I hear someone yelling outside, it's a mans voice. I investigate to see that it is Ryan raking leaves and cursing. Finally, someone I know. I rush downstairs, outside, and jump in front of him with wild gestures. A greeting, I suppose. We decide to go for a walk.

So... we walk around, and I don't remember much until we are attacked. A group of people dressed in red and black all with dark hair and dark eyes ambush us. This is when I realize I'm dreaming, and I fly out of their reach. After hanging in the air above them for a little while, my family of white magic returns. They fight our attackers off with flashes of light and thunder. Once everything is calm, I notice Ryan is gone. This doesn't bother me, though. I have my family.

They take me back to their New Orleans mansion. But this is soon attacked by the same people, this time amongst them someone I recognize. The 7'11" man. He looks sad to see me, as I am to see him. But he doesn't hurt me. He allows me to escape, and I do with one other person. A teenage/preteen girl. We leave in a jeep, driving through a raised path in the swamp until we reach a clearing. She's driving fast and carelessly and I ask to take the wheel, but am warned of a time constraint, so instead the jeep turns into a plane and we climb rapidly into the air, back towards the Castle Mall. But we're too high, and the vessel dissolves beneath us. I scream and cry and tell her to lower the plane, but she doesn't. So I fall, and I know I am dreaming. I tell myself I can fly but it doesn't work. I near the ground and....

Wake up again.

This time I just turn my alarm off and go back to sleep.

This time I am in the basement of my house and my world is trembling again. We're hiding. We? I don't remember who we are. But I am there and the giant man shows up again. He asks me what it's like to be an "Other," I tell him it's alright, that I'm not too lonely, I guess. We stand for a while, his body bent in half to fit under the low ceiling. I'm enamored with him, he is handsome and intimidates me.

He smiles at me for a while, not speaking, then attacks me, crushing my body and throwing me to the ground. He kneels beside me and bares his teeth. He is a vampire, of course. But no longer malicious, he just seems sad. I stare up at him, my vision blurred by blood dripping into my eyes. He gently gathers me into his arms and hugs me to his chest, then stands and I am not longer in the basement, but in the sky. The blackness, the starry night sky. It's too high up and I cry to him about this, yet he ignores me and holds me tighter. I am not in pain, but my body is shattered and I know I am going to die. We stare into each others eyes and then I wake up to Artemis scratching at the door.

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