Dec 21, 2005 05:15
Were you a good kid?
Well, I was pretty spoiled and was considered a brat by most of my family, but I wasn't out burning fields down (like my brother) or getting into fights with other kids. I was a very social kid...had a lot of friends back in the day.
Were you quiet or noisy?
I was quiet, but outgoing, if that makes any sense
Did you get along with your parents?
Eh, for the most part. Much better than I do nowadays, anyway
Were you raised by both parents?
To be completely honest, I was raised more by my brother until he moved out when I was 6, then it was kinda a collective of my parents, me, and my friends
Were you closer to one or the other?
Nah, just my bro
Did you have pets?
Who was your best friend?
Like I said, I was a social kid, I had a lot of "best" friends
How did you dress?
I used to wear much tighter-fitting jeans, and t-shirts, so mostly the same way
Material Stuff
What was your favourite toy?
God, probably whatever videogame system I had at the time
Did you play with gender appropriate toys?
I had action figures and things like that, but I wasn't into like, kids version of power tools or trucks or anything like that
Did you have a glow worm?
Don't think so
Did you have matchbox cars?
Hand-me-down ones from my brother...I used to fit as many as I could into the parking garage of the toyset they came got ugly
Did you have barbies?
Sure didn't
Did you have stuffed animals?
Tons...that was what made up a good majority of my collection of toys, just because I loved animals so much
Did you have My Little Ponies?
That creepy bear that read books?
Teddy Ruxbin...I sure did. But I'd take my parents tapes of stuff like Bonnie Raitt and James Taylor and listen to those instead most of the time
Yeah, a few
Ninja Turtles?
A huge part of my action figure collection (which I still have) was made up of those
Power Rangers?
One action figure, but I had the sword of the White Ranger for a talked...kinda freaky
LOVED him, lots of action figures
A few action figures, I had a videotape of the cartoon that I got from Pizza Hut that I watched religiously
Did you get any kids magazines?
I think I got Highlights for like...a year, but never did anything with them
Did you read comics?
Sadly, no...I wasn't like all my nerd friends
Games and stuff
Did you climb trees?
Pretend to go to war?
Act out movies and such?
Play in a sandbox?
All the time in mine...I loved that thing
Make mudpies?
Pretty much every time I got in the sandbox
Have imaginary friends?
For like a day
Play with neighborhood kids?
Yeah, I had my lil' Rose Park crowd
Play with pets?
Bess...all the time
Did you play stupid board games when it rained?
No, I'd go play out in the rain and make a huge mess when I came in
Did you pretend to be a grownup?
A bit, here and there
Tough Stuff
Were you beaten up as a kid?
Not by anyone other than my brother who shoved me into a speaker that was as big as me in our front room. Bear in mind, my brother is 12 years older than me, so this was insanely immature
Did you have to deal with the death of anyone you knew?
Not really...a few family members
Did you have a near death experience?
Not at this point in life, no
Did you ever have to stay away from your parents for a long time?
I had to live with my Grandma and my Aunt for like 3 weeks while my parents were in Hawaii (bastards)
Were you one of those kids that no one liked?
No, everybody liked me
Did you get made fun of?
Not until later on, like when I got glasses, braces, and all my friends got "too cool" to hang out with me anymore
Bad stuff you did
Did you ever make messes on purpose?
I don't think I did, but I probably did
Steal anything?
Yeah, a toy from this stupid little store
Tell lies?
Yeah, but usually got caught...wasn't that good at it then
Run away?
Almost. I had everything packed up and was leaving, and my soon-to-be-sister-in-law is the one who talked me out of it
Beat someone up?
Break stuff?
I was throwing a blanket around in my mom's room, and it caught a glass statue of an angel she had...I had to buy her a new one
Throw tantrums?
God, all the time
Go on the roof?
Lol, I did that once, and my mom was having people over to our house, and one said "Who's that young man on your roof?" She went ballistic, it was great.
Bite people?
When I was like 2, I bit a little girl on the face because she made me mad (this is what they tell me, anyway...I don't recall it personally)
Throw stuff inside the house?
Until I got yelled at
Hit your friends?
Yeah, I was a little jerk
Cut in line?
Only with my friends
Getting in trouble
Did you get yelled at a lot?
Yeah, I did
Did you get sent to your room?
Yeah, but I didn't mind, all my toys were in there. Eventually it got evolved into "Go to your room and don't touch your toys!"
Get stuff taken away?
Here and there, but I knew where it was and would take it back myself
Sent to the corner?
Yeah, here and there
Did you get spanked?
WAY back, not after I was like 3 or 4
Did you ever get your mouth washed out?
Nope, but I never said anything I shouldn't've said
Any weird punishments?
Um...reading, at one point. I was punished to read, which wasn't really a punishment, because I liked reading
Family life
Did you have siblings?
My older half-brother Nathan. I have two older half-sisters from my dad's first marriage, but I've never met them
Did you have to share a room?
Nope...youngest in a 3 bedroom house
Did your parents work?
Yeah, that'd be why my brother is pretty much the one who raised me
Did you have babysitters?
Well, my bro, until he moved out when he was 18, and then I had one named Jaime, who had this game we'd play called "The Bazooka Broom" where we'd shoot things outside our front window with the broom (these things weren't there: stuff like "The Johnson's cat" when there weren't even any 'Johnson’s' in our neighborhood), and another one who was only like...4 years older than me named Dustin. One time before he came over to watch me, I'd been breaking toothpicks in our living room (don't ask me why, I don't remember) and I remember him getting one of the broken ones stuck in his hand. His brother had to come pull it out, I felt REALLY bad.
Did you like them?
Yeah, they were cool
Were you close with your cousins?
Yeah, I was the one who everybody liked, mostly cause I had all the cool toys and games
Fun places
Did you ever go to amusement parks?
Lagoon every summer, and we went to DisneyLand and DisneyWorld quite a bit
Land multiple times, World, only twice
Did you go to McDonalds and get happymeals?
Okay, I still have pretty much every Happy Meal toy that they ever made between 1989 and 1995
The zoo?
Didn't really go as a family function, but my school sponsored the kids going every year
What other places were fun when you were a kid?
I remember going to the Dinosaur park when I was like 7...that was pretty badass
What was the best thing ever?
The worst thing?
Did you get report cards?
Who didn't?
Did you do well on them?
Always (until middle school, when I stopped giving a shit)
Did you get notes home from school?
My mom was a very active parent in my classes, helping with projects and what not, so I mostly got letters from my teachers that had details of what they wanted her to help with next...kinda like a spy informant, I guess
Did you ever do anything creepy? my 6th grade ELP (Extended Learning Program) class, we got to see a human brain and spinal cord, and I was the only one who requested to and did touch it
Did you do anything that seems inappropriate now?
Um...don't think so
Who was your favourite person you knew?
Hell I don't know
Your hero?
My gymnastics teacher, Shawn...I don't know why, either
What did you want to be when you grew up?
Veterinarian (until high school when I saw a dog get neutered and almost passed out)
Who was your favourite teacher?
Hmm...Elementary would've been Mr. Sessions (because for the life of me, I can't remember learning anything that year), Middle School was...Mr. O'Brien, because he was just all-around cool, and High School was of course Dan Campbell
Your least favourite?
Mrs. Smith, my 2nd grade teacher...she was mean. And of course Bonnie Whyte in high school, the wife of the dark prince
When you have kids
What will you do that your parents didn't?
When it comes to religion, I'll let my kids decide what they want to practice. Obviously teach them the basics that all religions share (don't steal, don't kill, etc.) but let them come to their own decisions of what to believe and practice. I think I'm going to be much more laid back than my parents were, and I don't mean "Do what you want." but I guess what I'm trying to say is, I won't make as big a deal out of things as my parents tend to do.
What won't you do that your parents did?
Isn't this just wording the previous question differently? Uh...I won't be a Nazi.
Will your kids be close with your parents?
Difficult to say. I don't see my parents as a major part of my kids will recognize them and all, but probably not going to see them every week and what not
How you were brought up
Were you brought up in a religion?
I am a Mormon, in the sense that if a cow is born in a tree, then it's a bird
Were you taught to respect authority?
Yes, and I did and still do (to an extent)
Were you taught to be accepting of differences?
Kinda, but my parents are picky of the "differences" that are acceptable. When I told them I'm rather good friends with a post-op transsexual, they got a little frightened
In summary
Did you have a good childhood?
I'd say that, yes
Did your parents do a good job raising you?
My brother did, and my friends did, but my parents, I dunno
Did you turn out like you thought you would?
Not really, but I like me
Did you turn out like your parents thought you would?
GOD no, I'm the black sheep of the family
1.) What is your name? Jonah
Section 1-Crush Info
2.) Who was your first crush? Chelsea Rutiledge
3.) What made you like them? Eh, she was my first female friend, and eventually I just thought she was a cutie
4.) Did you ever ask them out? I was like...5
5.) Did you tell them that you liked them? Don't think so
6.) Did they like you back? I think so
7.) What was their name? Um...see above
8.) Was it a male or a female? Female
9.) Did you ever go out of your way to try to impress them? Probably by swinging higher on the swings or climbing higher on the monkey bars or something
10.) How did they react? Um...I don't know
11.) Did you ever write them a love letter? Nope
12.) Do you still have contact with that person today? I did a few years back, but haven't heard from her
13.) If they didn't know you had a crush on them back then, would you tell them now? She knew
14.) Do you still have a crush on that person? Doubtful
Section 2-Bad Love Relationships
15.) Who is your worst ex? Haley
16.) What went wrong in your relationship? Things were going splendidly, actually, up until her fucking asshole ex came back into the picture and she cheated on me with him, just like I knew she was going to. Then things got dragged out, drama overdrive, 3 AM phone calls, screaming matches; pretty much all the good got turned really ugly really quick.
17.) Would you ever consider going back to that person? I could say no, but Haley has always had this hypnotic ability over me, and so I'd like to think that I wouldn't, but I can't give an absolute "no"
18.) Why or why not? Because she's evil
19.) Were you in love with them? Yes
20.) If you were, was the love one sided or did they love you back? She claimed to have loved me back
21.) Describe your relationship in 1 sentence: A scrambled, dizzying, life-changing experience
22.) Do you miss that person? Every once in a blue moon, I do. Certain songs or places remind me of her and the fun we had when we were happy.
23.) Do you still think about them? Not much, but occasionally
24.) Dream about them? Not anymore. One of the most realistic dreams I ever had was based around her (and was REALLY weird, too)
25.) Long for them? Nah
26.) Are you 2 still friends? Nope
27.) Do you ever see yourself getting back together with that person? For crying out loud, I've thought it over now, and no
28.) Name one thing about that person that absolutely disgusted you: Her blatant disregard for her own well-being in every way
29.) If you could go back and change one thing about your relationship with that person, what would it be? Nothing, because situations and circumstances would now be different
30.) Would you like to try again? No
31.) Why or why not? Because she's still evil
32.) Do you forgive this person? It took me a lot of time, but I did, and I let her know that
Section 3- Love Life
( if you are not in a relationship, you can either use one of your most memorable relationships to answer the questions, or disregard this section entirely )
33.) Do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend or both? both?
I have a...something
33.) Where did you meet? The Jew's Christmas party, two years back
34.) How long have you been together? Lol, well collectively, about a year
35.) Who asked who out? Me asked she
36.) What is their name? Abby
37.) What is their age? 18
38.) What is your age? Nearly 21
39.) Who had a crush on who first? She was in love with me 4 months prior to us dating
40.) How did you find out that this person liked you, or how did they find out that you liked them? It showed itself between us
41.) Did you 2 date before you became a couple? Yeah, a little
42.) Describe your first date with this person: Hmm...I'd say when we went as a group to "Shrek 2" and I bought her ticket without her expecting it
43.) Was the date fun? Yeah, we were snuggly during the movie (bear in mind, we were "snuggle buddies") and even afterward, I remember standing behind her with my arms wrapped around her, and Drew came and asked us if we were going out yet, and we looked at each other, and I said "Not just yet." I think I asked her to be my girlfriend about a week later.
44.) What attracted you to this person? She's adorable, and a good person
45.) What is their best quality? I like Kelly's answer: she's a good balance for me
46.) Worst quality? I don't want to get into that
47.) How do you feel about your relationship? It's very complicated
48.) Do you remember your first kiss with this person? June 17, 2004, against a road barrier on the side of Echo Lake
49.) How was it? Unexpected on my part; she kissed me
50.) Were you still fantasizing about your first kiss a week after it happened? I hadn't been kissed in, well, a few months, so yeah, kinda
51.) Name something that makes this person awesome: She's always there for me when I need her
52.) What do you believe is the strongest part of your relationship? The fact that despite everything we've been though, all the fights, all the ugliness (and boy, there has been ugliness) we're both still here, both still willing to try to make it work
53.) Weakest? The fact that we butt heads so much
54.) Can you relate to this person on an emotional level? Kinda, though I don't know how to explain it. We're emotional in a lot of the same ways, but also in a lot of very different ways
55.) Were you sexually attracted to this person the first time you laid eyes on each other? The first time I laid eyes on her, I was chasing somebody else.
56.) How many hours a week do you spend talking to your mate? Um, every day, at least for I'd say half an hour (collectively)
57.) Spending time with your mate? Not as much as I'd like to
58.) Name something that you love about this person. I love how Abby is herself with me. She puts on different masks with other people, trying to make them happy, but with me, all she has to be is her true self, and I'm happy. I love that she can be herself with me, because she's been in a lot of relationships where she can't be free to be herself.
59.) How long have you 2 been together? Guh-dir
60.) Do you remember the exact date on which you 2 became official? June 16, 2004, probably right around 3:30 PM
61.) Do you remember the exact date of your first kiss? June 17, 2004, probably around 10:00 PM
62.) Your first date? Shrek 2 came out in May of 2004, so that
63.) When was the last time you saw them? Um...this morning
64.) Have you told them you loved them yet? At least 10 times
65.) Do you remember the exact date of the first time they told you they loved you? Hmm...kinda. That's a tricky question in my situation
66.) Are you in love with this person? Incredibly so
67.) In the event that you 2 would you go about dealing with the loss? Well, we're broken up right now, have been for the past almost 5 months, so I'm dealing with it now, and I don't like it
68.) Can you see love beyond this person? Um...
69.) Could you see yourself being with this person forever? That's the only way I can see "forever" is with her by my side
70.) Why or why not? Because that's just the way this partnership is meant to be
71.) Describe this person in one sentence: Abby is my angel who was brave enough to try to save me from a life of solitude, and succeeded.
72.) Describe how you feel about this person in 1 sentence. I love Abby more than any words, any song, any person could ever say or imagine.
73.) Describe your relationship in one word: Kinda fucked up, but in the process of being fixed
74.) Is this the most meaningful relationship you have ever been in? Yes
75.) How often do you 2 fight? Depends on the day (lol) but not much in the past week
76.) When was the last time you 2 fought? Friday...big time
77.) What was the fight over? Um...big stuff
78.) When you 2 get into a fight, how do you resolve the argument? Giving each other some time to cool down before we talk about it any more
79.) Have you ever cried over this person? More than I ever thought I could
80.) someone deleted this.
81.) Has this person ever cried for you? Sure has
82.) Why? Because we care about each other way more than people should care
83.) Have you 2 ever cried together? Yes
84.) Over what? Our situation at the time
85.) Do you cry in front of them? One of the only people I'm okay with doing that
86.) Name some of the PDA's that you 2 are fond of. Holding hands, definitely. Cute little kisses, sitting next to each other all snug, snuggling in general
87.) Do you feel that this person loves you as much as you love them? I didn't for a while, but I'm starting to think so
88.) Do you think they are your soulmate? I more than think it
89.) Do you feel that your relationship will last? This (upcoming) time around, yes
90.) Would you rather make love, have sex, or fuck this person? What kind of question is this? All those things depend on what's up between the two of us
91.) Have you already made love to them? Yep
92.) If you have been intimate with this person, what was your reasoning for doing so? Because it was right
93.) this question is missing, also