"What good would flying be if you couldn't feel the wind?" a child asks an angel in City of Angels.
I was reminded of this while reading an excerpt from
Lit from Within, where Victoria Moran says that we each have the perfect body because that body is the form our soul chose as its outward form of expression.
"Your body... has a higher calling: to give your soul, your light within, a way to show itself in the world. This undertaking is supposed to entail more ecstacy than agony. The Vedic scriptures of ancient India say that human bodies were engineered to experience bliss and that even the angels envy them."
I like this reminder to appreciate and celebrate instead of criticize and apologize for the vessel I occupy.
This body loves to climb. This body loves to eat. This body loves to sculpt clay and knead bread and craft letterforms and touch flower petals. This body loves to get up on stage. This body loves to gaze from mountain tops and range over oceans and dream about birds. This body loves to smell the curve of its lover's neck. This body loves to dance.
This body lets me do and be all the things that I love. I'm grateful for the body I have.
Yes, damn it, all of it.
What are you grateful for from your magnificent body?