
Jun 18, 2007 15:38

Go ahead and strike that last entry from the record. That chick officially fails at life and can now GTFO.



*some of the conversation was lost due to excessive lol's...and by that I mean accidently closing the chat window.*

Dan: and btw, you should have told me this sooner
Chick: it didnt happen sooner
Chick: it happened last night when he asked me to be back with him
Chick: so whatever
Spyder Dan 43: yep...then i get the friendly boot to the ass
Spyder Dan 43: thats fine with me.
Spyder Dan 43: like i said, ive had this happen before
Chick: im not even gonna say anything cuz i know u dont wanna hear it so ok
Spyder Dan 43: your right, i dont
Spyder Dan 43: here i was thinking i could be on the verge of something great
Chick: Ok then
Spyder Dan 43: then find out everything i was told and led to believe was a contradiction
Spyder Dan 43: if you think about it, doesnt that sound like a shitty thing to wake up to if you think things are going one way?
Chick: oh what the fuck ever
Chick: i did like you... until he came back
Chick: then i got all fucked up in the head
Spyder Dan 43: hahahahahaha
Spyder Dan 43: yea, you can like someone and then switch it off at the flick of a switch
Spyder Dan 43: wow...
Chick: oh whatever i dont feel like fighting
Spyder Dan 43: oh believe me, we arent fighting
Chick oh yes we are
Spyder Dan 43: im finding this hilarious
Chick: good for you..
Chick: u find this hillarious ... hmmm
Spyder Dan 43: hiliarious in the fact that once again, the second i begin to try and accept another girl and trust, that i could be pushed away so suddenly
Spyder Dan 43: how else did you thing i was going to react to being told that?
Chick: i dont know.
Spyder Dan 43: did you not expect me to feel like a total asshole and be left with nothing to say?
Spyder Dan 43: this is some grade school shit
Chick: Ok then think what u want
Spyder Dan 43: nina, then you tell me
Spyder Dan 43: wtf am i supposed to think then!?
Chick: nothing dan
Chick: nothing at all..
Chick i gotta go
Spyder Dan 43: when im being told one thing and then having the complete opposite happen?
Chick WTF DAN!
Spyder Dan 43: personally, i didnt even want to have this conversation over the internet, id have much rather heard it from you directly
Spyder Dan 43: well, that seems about it. you got what you wanted and i dont know what the hell to think on my end
Spyder Dan 43: ...sounds about right
Chick: what do u want me to say
Chick: i got what i wanted?
Chickand what the fuck is that supposed to mean
Spyder Dan 43: you said a mouthful already, lol
Chick: ok then.. have a good game tonight
Spyder Dan 43: listen
Chick: talk to you when i talk to you
Chick: no im not listening to anything
Chick: u said enough too!
Spyder Dan 43: all i said was everything that can possibly counter everything you dropped on me
Spyder Dan 43: i mean, can you even view my end of this?
Chick: like i said i have nothin else to say according to you i said a mouthful already
Chick: yeah i can see why ur mad
Chick: i guess u fell for me pretty quick
Spyder Dan 43: no, id like to call it a matter of trust
Spyder Dan 43: like i said, you sure made it sound like you wanted something to happen between us
Chick:I DID~!!
Chick:: U dont get it dan u really dont
Spyder Dan 43: oh i dont?
Chick:: im not gonna explain myself anymore
Spyder Dan 43: if i dont get it, then please....feel free to retourt
Spyder Dan 43: what exactly did i miss?
Chick:: nothing.. i gotta go now
Spyder Dan 43: hahaha
Spyder Dan 43: oh man
Spyder Dan 43: your awesome
Spyder Dan 43: keep in touch, will ya?
Chick:: ..........
Spyder Dan 43: what?
Chick:: nothing...
Spyder Dan 43: lol
Chick:: talk to you soon
Chick: BYE DAN!!!!
Spyder Dan 43: well, if i didnt, id be miserable
Chick: what the fuck ever
Spyder Dan 43: you really dont get it either, do ya?
Chick: get what dan get fuckin what!?
Spyder Dan 43: ya know, id much rather finish this in person, but i doubt that will happen
Chick:: finish what yelling at me orlaughing at me?!
Spyder Dan 43: i really did like you nina, wether you want to believe it at this point or not
Chick: ..........
Chick: and so did i...
Spyder Dan 43: but just tell me, how should someone feel when they are put on the back burner so to say
Chick:: dan i dont know what to say to you
Spyder Dan 43: did you expect me to just be like "ohhh, he's your ex and he comes to wisp you away to happy ever after land? Oh joy!"
Spyder Dan 43: -_-
Chick:: no ididnt..
Chick:: but i didnt think ud act like this either
Spyder Dan 43: no, im being defensive because im now annoyed
Chick:: be defensive all u want.. im signing off now
Spyder Dan 43: lol
Chick:: Bye...
Spyder Dan 43: oh man
Chick: im signing off my stomach is upset
Chick: i do not feel good..
Spyder Dan 43: take that fucking pepto i told you to take last night!
Chick:: No thanks makes me throw up more
Spyder Dan 43: well settle your stomach somehow
Chick:: cant.,
Chick: especially now
Chick: i gotta go,,,,
Chick: i didnt mean to hurt you.. that was never abnd i mean never my intentions
Chick:: bye dan...
Spyder Dan 43: /fail
Spyder Dan 43: alright, ttyl
Chick::: what?
Spyder Dan 43: i officially fail
Spyder Dan 43: thats why i lol'd
Chick::: u didnt fail at anything
Chick::: will u stop
Spyder Dan 43: i didnt fail anything, are you reading what your typing here? lol
Chick::: This wasnt ur fault dan
Chick::: mine all mine
Spyder Dan 43: trust me, it was
Chick::: how do u figure?
Spyder Dan 43: doesnt matter
Spyder Dan 43: just gtfo...
Chick::: ....
Chick:: now your mad at me...
Spyder Dan 43: no....ya think!?!
Chick:: signed off at 3:11:37 PM.
Chick:: signed on at 3:30:08 PM.

*Insert FF fanfare here*

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Oh...i guess I just did, lol.

Dan gains 215 experience points.
Learns the ability "Asshole."
Found 154 gil.
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