"Nice place, nigga!"

May 29, 2007 22:02

Ok, as you probley can already tell, I don't update LJ very often. I haven't cared to, haven't had a want to, and pretty much haven't had the time to. Yet for some reason tonight, I stumbled upon it and figured why the hell not.

Things have been going crazy over here for me. In the past few weeks, I've accomplished the following.

  • I've moved out of my father's house.
  • I bought a tv.
  • I sold my car to my brother Matt and bought a new one.
  • Attended my high school reunion.
  • Finished my AMV for Otakon 2007.
So while my attention is focused on here, I'm a hurry up with this.

Moved on out!
So it finally happened. After weeks/months of talking about it, planning it out, my friend John and I got a place of our own. Pretty decent place at that too. Located just outside the slums of the old hospital in Meriden, the condo complex we moved into seems more like a hidden get-a-way if anything. Wilson and I moved in on May 12 I believe. It just so happened that some of the guys from my softball team wanted us to go to a tournament that day too. Fuck that. Got a place of my own to attend to. Regardless, we got a free sectional couch from a friend of my mother's from her school. At first we thought this thing was going to be a piece....but it turned out to be a practicly brand new piece of furniture. To make things go faster, my mother pretty much used her tag sale ability to get us some great shit for practicly nothing. Once we got everything shaped out to how we wanted it, i opted to go to Best Buy and look for a new TV, now that I can actually use it.

New TV is new!
So with a nice amount of cash in my account that has been wanting to be spent on the things I lost, I began browsing. After awhile, I decided on a 40" Samsung LCD HDTV flat panel. With that, a new tv stand, also the service plan just in case (with my luck) something happens, everything came up to about $1900. Now, take in the fact that I just got approved for a Best Buy card again, on this TV I was able to get No Financing till 2009 on it, so all I need is to make my normal payments on it and kaboom! So off the rip, I maxed out the card on the TV. There goes $850 in a flash. When I got that son bitch home, man did it make my living room look that much better. Later on a week or so later, my brother Tom helps out by getting me a HDTV cable (a $120 value) for about $50, so I can make use of my high def DVR.

New Car? Ohshi!
Many of you know of my 99 Toyota Corolla. This was the first car I had that did not give me an ounce of trouble. It also happened to be the car I've held onto the longest in my days as a licenced driver of the state of Connecticut. Well, over time since I bought it in June 1999, my body was still going through puberty I guess and I never finished growing uptil maybe recently. So six years after I bought the car, I got to the point where I was becoming too big for it. As if the signs of that wern't odvious (broke my driver's seat). So I worked it out with my brother Matt, who which as of today has failed his drivers test twice, that he would buy my car for about $3000. With this money, I was about to take $5000 of my own cash and look into parking it into a new vehicle to last me another 6-10 years. So the weekend of me moving into my new place, I happened to notice a 2003 Nissan Maxima at a dealership in Southington. This car was god damn beautiful. Black paint, 55k, V6, and a whole lot of horsepower under the engine. After taking it out for a test drive, I fell in love....well, cautiously. When I did the exact same thing with my Corolla, all I did was drive it and buy it instantly without a second thought. This time however, I began expecting the entire vehicle throughly. Finding the occasional scratch here, tiny knick there, made damn sure that things like this would be addressed while the vehicle was still under my interest. Well, about a day or so later, I heard back from the guys there and after carefull debate, I decided to go ahead with purchasing the vehicle. The car will run me about $15,000....but it's totally worth every penny I put into it from this day forth. Now come Otakon time, Matt and I wont be squished to hell from my tiny tin can vehicle anymore.

Highschool to me was pretty ass. Back then, I was nowhere near the confident son bitch that sits here writting today. However, in my shop there were a few people in which saw past my shitty flaws and I got along with them rather well. Saturday night at Hot Tomatos in Hartford was our 10 year class reunion. Now when I got there, I met up with a bunch of people who remembered me as a the shy, quiet, picked on little shit that didnt get anywhere. Man do I love how time flies! Some people who towered over me back then....were dwarfed by me as I walked out onto the patio. People asking me "when the hell did you get so big?"

"Puberty stalled on me when I was younger. It took awhile but finally kicked in"

I'll tell ya, once I got to the open bar, ohhh man, the hair came down, people getting much more vocal and relaxed. Reminessing of times past back in the day. Many of the ones I wanted to see from my shop were there and we definatly caught up with one another. Thank god for myspace though. Many of them have accounts which makes things a hell of a lot easier to get in touch with each other. I definatly enjoyed myself.

Fission Mailed! AMV Complete!
Last year at Otakon made me think about how I haven't done an AMV in almost 2 some odd years. During the contest, I swore to Matt that I would come back and make a video that could possibly win something. Enter May 2007, one month before the contest deadline for this year's contest. I've been going over the concept of the video in my head for a few months now. So with a trip to Best Buy and $120 later, I bought back all of the FMA I lost in the house fire and began ripping vobs. Then DVD2AVI'd, then AVISYNTH'd everything. Soon enough I got to the point where I was able to edit. After almost 4 weeks of non stop editing, my project is finished. This past Thursday I managed to send it out to the contest an just got my confirmation that it's in their hands waiting judgement.

And before I forget, I was able to take a lower quality version of it and post it on youtube. So take a look and blah.

image Click to view

So yea, that's it. When i finally get a new digital camera, I'll actually take pics of some of this shit and heaven forbid, some new horrible pics of myself as well.
Take care guys
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