Jan 18, 2012 21:06

So, yeah, I'm about a month behind, but today I picked up Star Wars:The Old Republic.

Now I've heard various different opinions on various different aspects of the game. For the most part, the majority of complaints seem to have someone else complaining the exact opposite. Personally I think in the majority of cases what we're seeing are people's preconceptions being shattered, but then that's just me

So I'm going to go into this with an open mind.
I've played some MMOs, I've played some BioWare titles. I've watched and read various Star Wars stuff. And I shall like to see whether combining an MMO with BioWare's storytelling is actually worth the bother.

I played a couple of the beta weekends. I got a couple of characters up to level 10 and off their respective starter planets. It's unlikely much will have changed, but we shall see

Since I never uninstalled the client from those betas, instalation was quite straightforward, as the client just updated itself
I already had an account on swtor.com, and could just add myregistration code directly into that account. To activate the live account you have to add a subscription method, or paid time form a paid time card. Subscription will get collected after the first month if you don't cancel beforehand. You can use debit/credit card or Paypal.

I seem to recall when I set up for the beta that an Origin account was created automatically when I made the account on the website (OMG ORIGIN NOOOOOOOOO!) but haven't seen any sign of EA's new lovechild other than that brief message

So now I'm through the install process and setup, which on the whole was pretty pain free. Few niggles about the amount of security questions you have to provide answers for, but that's a one time dealy (did that back at beta) but otherwise quite smooth

Now for some CG intro video (Mmmm Jennifer Hale) and on into the world

PS: You can choose from both Europe and US servers. See that Blizzard? Both! At the same time!
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