So what are you up to Valve.
First you update Portal to stick radios in every test chamber, and add an achievement linked to it, then a couple of days later you change part of the ending.
Is this a hint at Portal 2, or is it the long awaited Half Life 2:Episode 3 (Tranmere Rovers 1 /zp).
Perhaps its something else entirely...which reminds me, am looking forward to looking at
Black Mesa, a fan made port of the original Half Life into Valve's Source engine. So they were expecting to have this out for 2009, but if the big name companies can't get stuff out when planned, I think a group of fans can have a bit of leeway
Talking of fan made mods of Valve games, there's also
Portal:Prelude, which is a fan's attempt to explain what went wrong at Aperture Science. The puzzles are certainly more complex and less forgiving than the original, and it does have its glitches, but again, this is a fan made creation. I admit to resorting to NoClip cheats on a fair few occasions.
And talking of big name companies, Ubisoft released Silent Hunter 5 with its all new DRM, that means you have to stay continuously connected. Various reports say that it's already been cracked, although UbiSoft say that the cracked versions will be incomplete. Kinda suggests the DRM does more than just phone home. Time will tell. Still won't be buying another UbiSoft game again soon.
One of the first things I think I'm going to get when I finally move out (again) and have a little spare cash (ha), is buy a games console.