On the 6

Feb 12, 2008 07:12

K and I have made it to 6 months together! YAY! Yesterday was our 6 month anniversary and we were supposed to go out to dinner after work. Turns out that K has that HORRIBLE flu that's going around and he felt like ass all day. He stuck it out til 5 p.m. and then went home. I went over and heated him some soup and then came home.

I sure hope he kicks this thing before the weekend when we are flying up to SF for my friend's wedding. Everyone at work has been contracting this thing and it just hangs on and on with a horrible cough that eventually turns into bronchitis. K had started feeling bad on Thursday of last week, but I hooked him up with NyQuil and by Saturday, he felt OK. But, then he spent the weekend recording and I just think he exhuasted himself (and his lungs from singing).

I also told him he shouldn't go to work if he still feels bad today. He does NO ONE any good and actually exposes everyone else. The emergency rooms across the country are saying it's HIGHLY contagious.

I'm disappointed we couldn't actually go out an celebrate our six month mark, but we can do that on Valentines Day or this weekend. We are planning on staying IN on V-Day and renting romantic movies and making dinner. I made K a "mix tape" CD this weekend called AURAL V that I'm very proud of. I hope he likes it.

I am feeling kind of gross today, but can't tell if it's allergies or the beginnings of the flu. I did get a flu shot while working for American Apparel and am hoping it will actually ward this evil off!

Work is crazy as we are in the midst of an RFP response right now. Will mellow after Wednesday, tho.
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