arrivaderci, mssr poisson bleu

Feb 05, 2004 19:49

he was still wiggling when i came home.. 15 mins later, however, no more wiggles.. no breathing, no mouth opening/closing, no gill or fin movement.

the fish people with whom i've spoken are all pretty sure it's an isolated problem and nothing to be worried about the other fish catching.

now, i need to find another one.. the tank looks very empty w/o blue fish.

55 gal tank:
red fish [Oscar to everyone] (giant red oscar), blue fish (large turquoise cichlid), silver fish (a silver shark, Balantiocheilus melanopterus), goldfish (he was a feeder of 10 goldfish we dumped in, the only one that survived.. and now he's huge)..and Pierre (an orange/yellow baby cichlid with a little black stripe across his upper lip, just like a moustache).

10 gal tank #1:
7 striped danios (there were 8... dunno what happened to #8.. just kinda vanished), 1 remaining adult red platy, 2 remaining baby red platys, 1 large plecostamus, Pinky & Brain Waldo (2 african dwarf frogs),

10 gal tank #2:
the loner unnamed loach

still have another 10gal tank i need to do something with... and a 30gal salt water tank I'm afraid to attempt.
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