40k and other things

Nov 25, 2008 09:28

I am so going to make 50k. The only thing that stands between me and it is a major unexpected catastrophe like coma or death or my hands falling off or other stupid things. You know I never expected to be able to get this far. It took me the whole month to get to 21k. I wanted to win really badly but after I had to take a week off to make sure I didn't fail a maths test I didn't think I'd get back I was 7k behind and every word was an effort.

Then something strange happened. I slogged and swore my way to 35k. Word wars were my motivation otherwise I never would have managed it. Then suddenly the words weren't coming a whole lot easier but I was a whole lot closer to the end. It seemed possible and this boost makes me feel a hell of a lot better. I don't know if the words will flow or not this coming week but I know that whether they flow or not I'll get them anyway. I'll make 50k and I'll type The End on a first draft of a novel like I've always dreamed. It'll need a lot of work, editing and adding too, but I'll have done the hard part already, I'll have got started.

Without a Trace oh my god. It's happened, it's finally happened, how freaking awesome. However, I confess to being slightly disappointed. I suppose when you've dreampt about a moment for years nothing will measure up. Still, there's several fanfics out there like Gone and any of jbirds and other ones I can't think of right now that were right. They were different from each other but they were right. I think that the writers of those fanfics had a better handle on the characters than the writers or actors do now. Or perhaps it's just me who looks at Season One as the golden years and is in denial that anything after season four actually happened. I can't help it, the show changed and the characters did too and I refused to change with them so I suppose it's not that big a shock that a couple of years down the line I see what I wanted but it's not how I wanted it. I guess I'm never satisfied.

I don't know why I'm cutting this actually, guess I just don't want to make the post huge like I normally do, well that and I can't normally do lj-cuts so I'm having fun. Anyway, I finally braved ebay and bought something. It hasn't arrived yet, it should arrive end of this week, beginning of next. I bought a Sega Megadrive. I've wanted one ever since I was eight and I saw my cousins. I never had a gamestation as a kid. Mum didn't mind me having a computer as you could do academic stuff on there as well as games but she didn't want me staring at the TV playing games all the time. I'm mature enough now that it won't be an issue. To be honest it's more like I don't want to have any regrets. I wanted one and I got one and a job lot of games dead cheap (I'll have to wait and see on the condition but the eseller had thousands of positive reviews). I want to play Sonic.

Anyway, I'll probably play it for a while and then put it away somewhere but it was dead cheap and I want to know how it feels. Besides it's making my room mate really jealous as he's wanted another one since his broke but he's been too busy with his X-box to get one. If I don't get on with it then I could always sell it to him. I also want a playstation, another thing I've wanted for years. A standard playstation 2 with Crash Bandicoot and maybe a driving game and a first person shooter, full experience. You can pick that up real cheap on ebay from what look like good sellers. I think I might do that around my birthday time next year. It's insane to think about, it's like when I asked for a slinky for christmas a couple of years back. I always wanted one when I was a kid and now I'm older I can get one.

Maybe the years of wanting will make the reality pale in comparison like with Jack/Sam, I don't know. I just know I have to find out. A little gift from me to me. Hey it'll be like a reward for my NaNo. I had set up some motivational rewards with conditions and I've failed to meet all of them. But getting to 50k is the important one and in a way a reward all on its own.

Till next time.
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