Sep 01, 2004 21:06
Well yesterday was pretty interestin...not. Well ya no how the otherday i said i dyed my hair n it came out like a kindda brown color n i didnt no if i liked it. I DEFF DIDNT LIKE IT...ya it was bron...until i bloewdryed n st8ten it....then it turned a gray ashy color...dude i looked like a fucken old was crazy. So when i got home from skool i was goooing my mom took me to get it proffisanly done..the dude mixed like 3 colors together...he had to do it reele dark so it would cover up the other color..but he said after a few whashes it should faden out...i dunno i kindda like it...ITS DEFFF DEFFRENT. im suppose to go back n like 4 weeks so they can like color it again or sumthing like that...dude i must have REELE fucked it up!! Neeways today i had a doctors app. for my foot...its still fractured but he said it looks like the crack is starting to come together more n should be heald n a few weeks. Well thats it i reele gatta go cause i was suppose to leave for orlando @ 9.....ya its deffinalty 912 as of rite now but ...i cant wait to see my bro....and his doggy..ahh i loove my bro sasid he got me something...but he wont tell me what it tis ya ttyl...adios muah pretties!!!! x00x
o ya hahaha YEAH no skool thurs fri or mon..hahaha im happy