
Jun 25, 2009 01:37

I'm not going to lie, reading my entries makes me love myself, at first I think I'm crazy but then I realize that everyone goes through phases, they just dont embrace them as passionately as I do...I live them man, i let my emotions rule my core...and to tell you the truth I dont mind it one bit, ppl say it makes me crazy, to each their own...I like it

today was a sad sad day in the history of paula- Spain got their asses handed to them by the fucking gringos...suck on that big nut...I swear I walked out of fritz and frantz crying...I really I'm such a hooligan, soccer is so big in my life, I dont know what i would do without *sigh*...the worst part was getting shit from everyone, but i deserved it for being so cocky...oh well it'll definitely teach us not too get too confident, we are still the best team, I'm confident this will get us back in track. And the US played a sick game, good for them *barfs a little in mouth*

its funny, the minute I decided I'm going to take a break on sex/love/relationship-hell, or whatever it is that tends to go on in my life, on not think or care about it, all of a sudden every place I walk into I feel like I'm being pierced with come-fuck-me it bad not to want to be wanted? this is definitely a I know how those closet-cases feel, the whole innocent crap game I detest so much...but when you arent interested, all of a sudden you become a bigger center of attention...not like its ever been a problem with me, but now i feel awkward about it...and thats going to take some adjusting. Paula no longer wants the spotlight ppl...I'm taking a hiatus off of my mini-celeb satus...hahaha honestly the shit that comes out of my mouth sometimes.... If you know me, theres one thing you should definitely know; never take me seriously, just love me wholeheartedly ;-) <3
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