Nov 05, 2008 17:47
Shocked? I know, I am too. Been awhile. Anyways, I had a conversation this morning with a friend regarding the election......
"You know, I didn't even watch any of the coverage last night. I honestly didn't care who won because either way, America lost. I was leaning a little more toward McCain just due to the fact that even if he did die in office, he'd be smart enough to surround Caribou Barbie with really smart people. I think she was really his downfall. If he would've picked someone like Condi Rice, he prolly would've won. I was actually telling a friend of mine last night who was watching the election my prediction: Obama would win the "thinking" states in New England, the college student vote, and the "young, progressive" states on the west coast. McCain would with the "backwoods, ignorant" states in the South, the old person vote, and the "family values" states in the Midwest. LO AND BEHOLD WHAT HAPPENED! I swear, I could be a political analyst.
Basically, I think Obama won because he's a novelty candidate. It really wouldn't matter what he stood for. "OOH! I'ma vote for the young guy! He's even a minority!" Yeah…well, he supports eating babies and kicking puppies. "He does? Oh. But he's so dreeeeeeeamy!" Throughout the campaign, no one could say anything good on a personal level about Obama, and no one could say anything bad on a personal level about McCain. Even the opposing side said McCain was a very admirable person, trustworthy and such. Not a single person could say that about Obama.
McCain's downfall was picking Palin as a running mate. She basically turned into a joke. I believe the term Ty used was a "trophy VP." The thing that scares me the most is that she's got higher security clearance than McCain AND Obama. I really think that if McCain would've chosen someone with half a brain in their head, he would've won. His camp even kept her away from press appearances without him for a long, long time. Biden was out in the open the entire campaign helping.
Although I'm registered as a Republican, I'm really not one. I'm more of an independent republicrat than anything else. I really don't vote based on party lines because I really think that's dumb. I vote based on the issues. If there's not a candidate I agree with, I'm not going to vote for them. The whole reason I'm even affiliated with a party is so I can vote for John Boozman (author's note: That candidate is like one of the few I really, really like. He's very pro-fine arts in schools and I agree with him in a lot of respects.) in the primaries. It's so incredibly frustrating to me to see people who vote one way because they're ignorant. There's a guy in the department right now who voted for Obama, but when he opens his mouth, he doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. I find it super hard to respect that or listen to anything that comes out of their mouth. My grandpa is the same way for McCain. There is someone in the department who voted for Obama, but actually knows why she voted for him. I have no problem with that at all. She did her research on which candidate better reflected her views, and voted. That, to me, is pretty awesome. Gives what she says some merit."
Ayup....there's my whole standpoint on the issues. Sha...zam. Leave the poli sci girl alone about the election, kthx?
/end rant