Jan 27, 2012 23:21
My grandmother continues to keep our anxiety levels raised, and yet defy all predictions. We seem to have got into a habit of weekend bad patches, followed by a bit of progress, and the cycle completes.
Things were looking very good this week, after last weekend when we were called into King's Lynn in a rush. Yesterday, my grandmother was moved to a 'cottage' hospital in the next town, designed for rehabilitation rather than full medical treatment. Great news. However, today she wasn't very well again, and around 5pm the decision was made to transfer her back to the main hospital.. apparently she was very weak and slightly delerious, a worrying new symptom. The latest news however is that she is back at the main hospital and feeling much better again.. asking when the tea trolley is coming, which I have now come to use as my barometer of how things are going.. if she's asking for tea, the immediate danger is over for that moment. So anyway, hopefully she will have a quiet night and start the recovery again tomorrow. Perhaps it was just too soon to move hospitals yet.
Today is the 2 month anniversary of Mum passing away. I think in the massive rush that my dad is in the middle of, trying to do all of his clients' tax returns for 31 January, he had missed this.. however, he suddenly realised at about 5pm and then got a bit upset. All the sympathy cards are still up. My dad mentioned that he thinks he should take them down now, but he doesn't want to. I told him that it's entirely up to him, there's no right or wrong answer. If he wants them up for the next 10 years that's fair enough, but equally, if he does take them down now, that in no way means that he has to forget about Mum.
And because I have embraced the fact that my life now resembles a soap opera, I shall share an amusing anecdote with you. It appears I have an admirer! One I have never met, and whose name I can't even remember, but never mind. All I can remember is that he's from Jamaica, and is in his 40s.
Our cleaner, who is also a friend, is a chatty person, and apparently at one of her other cleaning jobs she has been telling this fellow cleaner all about me for quite some time. My friend is predisposed to hyperbole, and I dread to think what she has been telling this man about me... all totally innocent and in general conversation, rather than any attempt to get us together, but even so. Whatever she said must have been positive, because apparently this man is now, as she put it, 'obsessed' with me. Every evening she goes to work, and every evening he asks if she has seen me, and how I am. Apparently he has now found my profile on Facebook (he's probably reading this!) and has had a look at that, and was talking to my friend about flower shops nearby as he would like to send some flowers. He has also given a photograph of himself to my friend, asking her to pass it on to me. This would all be bad enough on its own, but the added complication (?) is that he's not even single, he lives with another woman. Who apparently he is thinking of ditching.
90% of me finds this all very amusing.. the other 10%, wary of the fate of my poor friend last week, is a little bit freaked out. I am just hoping that my friend is exaggerating all of this! It is all slightly worrying because thanks to my friend he knows exactly where I live!
Anyway, time to go to bed. It's been a very busy week, with another trip to Norfolk on the cards tomorrow.. but first I will need to go to look at some kitchen appliances. My building work in Stevenage is well and truly underway again. I did tell my builder that the rewire was more important than the kitchen, but that appears to have fallen on deaf ears, because all I can get from him is kitchen designs. I shall go to sleep tonight dreaming of taps, hobs and floor tiles.