Oct 13, 2011 22:57
At 3pm I received a call from a Stevenage vets - Tabby had been brought in having been in some kind of accident (probably hit by a car). As I was on the phone his condition deteriorated. He's been taken to a hospital overnight, and it's very serious.
Meanwhile my mum's condition continues to steadily decline. She now cannot speak and has had to stop the chemo as it made her too sick. There are now loads of ancilliary problems cropping up e.g. blocked intestine. We've also had to complain to the hospital as her care has not been up to an acceptable standard. Either my dad or I are at her side 24/7 as we do not trust the nurses. On Sunday I had to pull the emergency cord as my mum was beginning to choke on her own vomit.
I've just had enough, I really have. This is actually becoming comical.