Dec 16, 2004 21:49
w00t so i finally got a livejournal....and all i have ta say is bad crap>.< sorry ya'll! I jus found out that the love of my life likes this one chick. The fact that he likes her does't bother me...knowing that he might've liked her yesterday bothers me. cuz like we talked on the phone for the first time in maybe a month or so and i was on cloud nine. He made me feel so loved, so special, so needed! but then today i find out that he likes her! ugh! i jus cant believe that he could say that he loves me and all the crazy sh*t ugh!ugh!ugh! but you know what? if it wasnt meant to happen then it wasnt meant to happen>.< but yah sorry my first post was depressing, hopefully tomorrows will be better cuz nissy is coing over and we re gonna have a blast!:-D Good luck on all of ya'lls finals*whew* not that i have that outta my system im all better:-D