Fun with JavaScript

Jan 13, 2007 15:35

For the past few days I've been playing around with JavaScript a bit.

When I'm learning I like to have a little project to play around with to give me some direction. I uhmed & ahhed and eventually decided it was high time to update my extremely out-dated website (it still has a fire logo for chrissakes - ugh!). So I've been rebuilding it as a small AJAX app that uses CSS for layout instead of tables, and pulls content from the server (Zimki, of course).

The main feature I've got so far is pulling content from my Livejournal blog. I started off by trying to muck about with client-side XML parsing, but soon found out it was easier to pass the content from the backend as JSON. I also ended up caching it server-side to improve response times.

So, after a few days hacking, here's what I've come up with:

I reckon I'm about half-way done. It already looks a billion times better than my current site, thanks to that lovely picture of Saskia, the Shepherd.

Having only a PPC Mac at home, I've still not tested it in Internet Explorer, so I'm sure there'll be a gazillion compatibility issues there. But it works in Firefox & Safari so far.

javascript hack web

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