For the past few days I've been playing around with JavaScript a bit.
When I'm learning I like to have a little project to play around with to give me some direction. I uhmed & ahhed and eventually decided it was high time to update
my extremely out-dated website (it still has a fire logo for chrissakes - ugh!). So I've been rebuilding it as a small AJAX app that uses CSS for layout instead of tables, and pulls content from the server (
Zimki, of course).
The main feature I've got so far is pulling content from my Livejournal blog. I started off by trying to muck about with client-side XML parsing, but soon found out it was easier to pass the content from the backend as JSON. I also ended up caching it server-side to improve response times.
So, after a few days hacking, here's what I've come up with: I reckon I'm about half-way done. It already looks a billion times better than my current site, thanks to that lovely picture of Saskia, the Shepherd.
Having only a PPC Mac at home, I've still not tested it in Internet Explorer, so I'm sure there'll be a gazillion compatibility issues there. But it works in Firefox & Safari so far.