Jun 23, 2005 17:47
Longer days and shorter nights, for those of you who want a job don't follow that feeling. I hate this job. Seven in the morning? He must think I'm a ray of sunshine all day long....
I'm thinking of getting a yukata. I found a black and white one and it was really pretty. Red and black ones do not exist as far as I've seen, so I must go for second best. I think they're so pretty and I really want to attempt to put one on and tie the obi. They have ones now that you don't even have to tie. You just slip it on and then attatch (that looks funny <.<) the bow. That's so cheap. The real fun is messing up.
Great news abound. Japan might be changing the law so foreigners with nursing liscenses can come to the country and work on their degree. I want to be a nurse so this is great. I can go live in Japan and never come back to America. Yay, freedom. Still planning on going my senior year regardless. I need to find someone who can go with me because I hate going to strange places alone.
I haven't drawn in a month. I can feel my artistic energy slowly leaving me. I'm waiting for the results back from the AP tests, but maybe I should start again sooner. I feel the urge to draw Kirito because I saw this kick ass (and rather revealing picture of him). Unfortunately I didn't save it so I must go hunt again. I kind want to sketch Hizumi, but...yeah. Inspiration.
The sexiest man in the work is Die...no doubt...he's sexy.