
Aug 06, 2008 11:40

Dear Flylady,
I know why you said get dressed to lace up shoes. I got dressed this morning to my high heel shoes in preparation to teach a class. Class is done, now I'm home about to work on my to do list. High heel shoes ruin the motivation to vaccuum. I'd much rather sit prissy & be served! ;)

Ok, so I took the Saturn in to be re-registered, proud that I had the brakes fixed first. They do a car inspection before they allow you to register it. (Is this a common thing in the States? I know we had emmissions inspections some places.) I'm sitting in the line when I realize, 'oh no, Matt took the 1st aid kit out of this car & put in the new car.' In his mind, he bought me a new car, I shouldn't be driving the old. In my mind, I don't want to buy a new battery when he comes home and wants to drive to work on snowy days! Ok, I don't think they can give me a ticket for not having it (the MPs and polizei can & do). Then just as it's my turn I remember all the warnings about the right front tire the car care center gave me. (Only warnings mind you, not an appt to fix it. Their warnings made it sound like - oh, btw, you're going to need a new tire soon.) So, right, I failed inspection. The guy tells me "I can give you a stamp to go get it fixed, but ..." and here is where he read my mind, or at least my to do list, "don't go shopping." Ok, but I can still go shopping right? "Because it could blow out, you must drive very carefully, if it blows out, it comes back to us, we find out." Ohh... but I really need... But if it blows out... But when will I have child free, work free shopping time again? But I gotta follow the rules... Dang it! This wouldn't frustrate me so much if our post weren't divided into 2 posts. PX on one, car care center on the other. Me on one, everything I need today on the other. ARGH! I try bargaining.
"Does the stamp mean I can re-register the car then fix the tire?" "No." (I can see he thinks I'm silly.)
"Does the car care center here on post have a tire? I have childcare until 3, I'll get it & come back?" "I don't think so, no. I think they have more stock at the other car care center."

At this point, I really want to wave a magic wand & turn him into an American who will call the car care center for me to find out. But I'm not a permanent fairy (See the book Alice the Fairy by David Shannon), and I'm not going to ask him to call b/c I'm a wimp. Besides, when have you ever known them to take walk-ins here? Ahh, Jiffy Lube, I miss you!
So I take my "get out of jail free" stamp and get into my car & fume all the way home about how this ruins my day. I drove straight to the car care center & left it for them to fix (while kicking myself for not doing it when I got brakes fixed) and called Erin to give me a ride back to the house so I don't have to walk home in heels. (If I'd been gutsy enough to go shopping & get the new walking shoes I need, I could have walked home AND gotten my exercise for the day. Why'd he have to say "no shopping?!" Why do I have to be a rule follower instead of a rebel in new walking shoes?)

On the way home, I also fumed over a headline about Lebron James. Apparently, he is thinking about (threatening to?) coming to Europe to play ball and make 50 million tax free. Uh, Lebron? Europe ain't easy! Or maybe it is if you're a millionaire. (And really would it be tax free? He wouldn't have to pay European taxes??) And what about all those players who say "We love the game so much we'd play for free? Isn't it just great that they pay us to do this?" Somehow that doesn't seem right. And what's this brouha over Brett Favre?

Then I pondered the weirdness of this Twitter program idea. It's like status updates on myspace or facebook. You can let everyone know what you're doing all the time, even updating it from your cell phone. To me, it's sort of like people want to be celebrities and are inviting the paparrazzi to come along. And somehow my mind made the jump from how much celebrities hate to be followed & have no private life, when regular people want to just be a celebrity or famous for nothing. And how we hate when celebrities use their fame to advance their own political ideas or what have you, and we think, just stick to your own life, but really we just want everyone to give our opinions as much attention.

Now that I've aired my opinions for your attention, it's time to put on my house shoes and vaccuum. Flylady did advise doing housework in a tiara though... now where did I put mine?
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