Aug 25, 2004 09:27
Today was sooo much better than yesterday! yesterday sucked on ice! But today was alot better.
I was walkin out of my 1st hr class wen sum1 hit my lik my shoulder an i turned an it was David! LoL i was so happy to see him cuz i havent in a while. It was funny cuz all the DCT ppl hav to dress up so he was all lik decked out in tie n stuff! LOL
I went to my new geometry class today. It was ok. The teacher is more lively then my old teacher, wich is good. It felt kinda werid tho. Then i was walkin out of 2nd hr an i saw Bridget walkin ahead of me an i looked nex to me an there was David. So i talked to him some(i guess he has math that time too). he's not doin swim team this yr(damn him lol). I felt bad for him cuz he looked(an sounded) toooo tired! I dont think he should hav to work as much as he does(at 17 at least) but i can understand y he has to.
Swimming was fun!...well alotta work but it was pretty fun. Monica an Bridget an Sarah werent there but i talked to some of the girls i kno 4m last yr an stuff. Lik Lilly, Andrea, an this one girl(freshman) that i feel real bad about cuz i forgot her name! ah but she was a real sweetheart.
I swear i'v had to do sooooo many push ups and sit ups today its sad! I had to do lik 30 in gym an then...hell knos how many in practice. An sit ups...dont even get me started LoL.
I"m tryin to talk my dad into lettin me get a dirt bike to let me ride home from school. I mean i can very easily walk thru the field(i do on my way home from practice) an by the time i leave practice i'm lik sooo tired its crazy. So i mean it'd b easier if i could jus ride home. An i kno how to ride a dirt bike no problem! o well jus sumthin i gotta work on my dad about :D