Maybe I'm a little bit over my head, I come undone with the things he says..

Dec 09, 2004 22:31

I'm tired. And I really have to pee. But first, I must fill out a survey from little miss Tina. Why? Cause it sounds like fun cause I'm a goof..

Current mood: Tired, and sorta worried about finals and stuff
Current music: White Houses- Michele Branch
Current taste: Chocolate covered raisins!
Current hair: Boob- length, chesnut colored with some pretty highlites that show throw from before
Current clothes: My PJs...
Current annoyance: Kent =)
Current smell: I dunno, I guess I kinda smell like smoke from Kent and Chris
Current thing I ought to be doing: Hanging out with Brett
Current windows open: Lots
Current desktop picture: Casey!!! She's the love of my life!
Current favorite band: No one in particular…
Current book: Brett insists I read some Dr. Phil crap. He thinks it will better me as a person.
Current cd in stereo: A burned CD entitled "Slow Jams" that Kent's gf burned him and I proceeded to steal, it's too good for him!
Current crush: Brett, and probably others
Current favorite celeb: hmm no one in particular
Current hate: Theifs! Because someone broke into our store and now I have to take a polygraph test, and even though I didn't do anything, I'm scared!

=Do I=

Smoke?: Smoking is for silly willies!
Do drugs?: See the silly willy response
Have sex?: Who, me? Never
Give oral sex?: Yuck! Yeah right! No Way!
Receive oral sex?: Yeah right, yucky!
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: Yes! Halloween makes me have the same dream every year!
Remember your first love?: Sure
Still love him/her?: you can never stop loving someone it just changes into a different kind of love...
Read the newspaper?: sometimes
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: yea, my manager is quite the flamer, but I love him anyways
Believe in miracles?: Yeah I do
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Of course!
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: Unless you're Kent, yes
Consider love a mistake?: Oh God no, I think love is the best thing that can ever happen
Like the taste of alcohol?: Actually I don't, I need something to drink it with
Have a favorite candy?: not really
Believe in astrology?: sometimes
Believe in magic?: no
Believe in God?: yes
Have any pets: Casey, Kelly, and Mitzie
Go to or plan to go to college: Right now I'm at Waubonsee, but eventually I'll transfer somewhere, but I dunno where.
Have any piercings? Just my ears
Have any tattoos?: Nope
Hate yourself: Not at all
Have an obsession?: text messaging!! I LOVE IT!
Have a secret crush?: it's not a secret
Do they know yet?: I dunno, I don't think he knows I like him back
Have a best friend?: Yeah, Ally and Kent
Wish on stars?: On occasions I guess
Care about looks?: To a very short extent. I care enough to not go out in public in my pj's anymore, but not enough to do my hair on a regular basis

=Love life=

First crush: Mark Knudsen in pre-school
First kiss: First peck? Scott Ullman at the roller rink playing spin the bottle, lol... First real kiss was Jason Zak. That sounds pathetic, I was a freshman before I had my first real kiss... Aww, the good old days, when stuff like that mattered...
Single or attached?: Single
Ever been in love?: I dunno, maybe
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Nope, I believe you can want to have sex at first sight, but that's about it
Do you believe in "the one?": I totally do, we'd all be lost without that hope!
Describe your ideal significant: Taller then me, attractive, FUNNY, treats me the way I deserve to be treated, loves kids, outgoing, caring, kind, amazing... (I believe I'll just leave that as Tina put it, the FUNNY in caps as well, cause I totally agree!)

=Juicy stuff=

Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? Yea! Pididdle was the best game ever!
Have you ever been intoxicated?: Oh, my goodness, me?
Favorite place to be kissed?: I like the kisses on the forehead
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": Hahahaha, a few times, maybe
Are you a tease?: Silly rabbit, tricks are for kids!
Shy to make the first move?: yea, deffinately!

=Word association=

Rubber: Condom
Rock: Hard
Green: Kermit
Wet: Swimming!
Cry: Alochol
Peanut: Chocolate covered
Hay: is for horses, and people like you!
Cold: Pink, fuzzy hats and scarves!
Steam: Car windows
Fast: Boys
Freaky: babies!
Rainy: days and lollipops!
Bite: food
Fuck: him
Blow: Up...


Hair: I think I said this already
Eyes: Brown and covered with yucky glasses!
Height: 5’6’’…


Bought: A cigar
Ate & Drank: chocolate covered raisins and a coke
Read: this stuff
Watched on tv: Friend's

--EITHER / OR:--

club or house party: house party
beer or cider: Cider
drinks or shots: drinks
cats or dogs: cats
single or taken: I'd prefer taken...
pen or pencil: pen
gloves or mittens: gloves
food or candy: Both
cassette or cd: Cd
coke or pepsi: coke
this or that: that


kill: Nobody
get really wasted with: Kent
look like: I'm perfect
be like: I'm perfect
avoid: You, you smelly son of a...


talked to: Allyson
hugged: Kent
instant messaged: Athena
kissed: Brett


eat: In the family room
cry: wherever I am when the tears start a'flowin!


Dated one of your best friends? Sorta, Bry and I were like best friends before we went out
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? Nah, I don't think so
Drank alcohol? Me?
Done drugs? Me?
Broken the law? ME???
Broken a bone? No ma'am, and don't jinx me!
Played Truth Or Dare? Hahaha, who hasn't? We played it at PJ's one drunken night, and let's say it didn't go that well...
Kissed someone you didn't know? nope
Been in a fight? an argument, sure
Come close to dying? Oh, all the time! Ok, well no...

--WHAT IS:--
The most embarrassing CD in your collection? I dunno, I think most of them are embarassing, actually.
Your bedroom like?: Boring as crap, my parents wont let me do anything to it.
Your favorite thing for breakfast? no breakfast
Your favorite restaurant?: Applebees!


What's on your bedside table?: perfumes and my flags star
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: usually whatever looks decent enough
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: Anything where someone dies
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: liposuction!! (TINA! WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT!?)
What is your biggest fear?: Suffocation!
What feature are you most insecure about?: My stomach or arms
Do you ever have to beg?: For what? Not usually... Besides, I find that saying "Fine, then I'm not talking to you." usually gets me what I want...
Are you a pyromaniac?: naw
Do you have too many love interests?: No
Crushes? not really
Do you know anyone famous?: no
Describe your bed: Big enough for two, care to join me?
Spontaneous or plain?: Spontaneous…
Do you know how to play poker?: Sort of, but I always need to be reminded how
What do you carry with you at all times?: Phone and chapstick, one in each pocket!
How do you drive?: How do I drive? I put my foot on the fuckin pedals and make the car go
What do you miss most about being little?: Not having car payments.
Are you happy with your given name?: Totally! Rachel Michele Thomas is the worlds most beautiful name, I dare you to disagree!
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: A lot…I use it for school and to keep in touch…
What color is your bedroom?: white
What was the last song you were listening to?: White houses
Do you talk a lot?: Oh God yes, Kent and Brett get mad at me, I always turn the radio down so I can talk, and they never wanna listen... Well, Brett doesn't mind usually, it's mostly Kent. But we pretty much hate eachother anyways, so what do you expect
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: Of course I do! I'm the super best!
Do you think you're cute?: At times, other times I will admitt that I get down on my looks, but who doesn't?
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?:Yes, Kent is like all of those and I hate when he asks to borrow money, cause hello, you're the one who blew your paycheck on shit, why should I have to cover your ass?
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: Yeah! But not if you make me mad...
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?: Well, right now obviously I spend time with friends... If I had a bf then quite honestly I'd be with him more than my friends probably, cause that's how I like it.
What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands?: It doesn't bother me right away, then I think about what happens when they go home and I get creeped out. I mean, what kind of person likes it up the butt? I dunno, not that I'm saying lesbians are cooler than gay guys, but at least there is no butt action....

And with that I'm toooooo tired to keep typing, so goodnight!

Much love,
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