Oct 17, 2004 17:49
Wow, so my day yesterday was crazy.
Did stuff with Melissa, then she went home (as I have stated in a previous entry). Kent came over and we went all kinds of places, from Joliet to Plainfield, to Plano to Sandwich, ect. We had some F'in idiot in the car named Anthony who got me in so much trouble. We dropped him off at the Hideout, which is a club/bar that I am not old enough to get into, so me and Kent left. We are told to come pick him up between 1 and 1:30, then I am supposed to take him home. I figure OK, whatever, that's fine. It's not like I had anything better to do. I fully intend on being home between 2 and 2:30. Except idiot Anthony decides that he is going to 1. not come out for another hour (he finally came out at 2:36 am) and ignore all the phone calls. Now, during this time my father calls and tells me to come home. I say ok, I have to drop someone off at home then I'll be there. Oh yeah, did I mention this idiot lives 29 miles away, in Ottowa? Yeah, that's funny, I didn't know that. I was under the impression that he lived in A-town, and hey, so do I, no problem to take him home. Well, now it's 3:30. Daddy calls. I tell him where I am, he goes balistic. MY DAD SWORE AT ME! Those of you who know my father know that he NEVER yells, swears, or really even gets angry about things. But he swore. Kent and Anthony both heard him screaming at me. Of course I start crying because, duh, I'm daddy's little princess and I immediately assume he now hates me. Then we FINALLY get to idiot's house, he gives us directions to go back home. He says to take 80 to 88. Here's a funny thing, 80 doesn't go to 88. Yeah, so we're driving forever and then we finally stop at a gas station for directions. We should have taken 80 to 55 to 88. So we turn around and eventually find our way home.
By the time I pulled up in the driveway it was quarter to 6. I had to get up for work at 9:30. I am freakin tired and really crabby. I am mostly crabby at that dumb Anthony, but partly at Kent too. I am about this close to killing him. He doesn't intentionally do things that make me mad, but man, quit being dumb!!! Then he brings some girl that I don't even know into my car. MY CAR. SOME GIRL. Not happy. He ain't my bf and I don't want him to be, but we are seeing eachother or whatever. I realize this girl was nasty and he doesn't even want her around and was just doing her a favor, but yuck. MY CAR. We're deffinately gonna have to have a talk about this later. I am madder than mad!! THEN ON TOP OF THAT, HE LOST MY COUNTRY CD. Now, technically it's not mine, someone left it in my car, but since I don't know who, I'm keepin it and now it's missing and that ticks me off. Grrrr....
Oh yeah, things with daddy are fine now. He said that when I'm 21 I can stay out all night cause I'll be living alone by then, but now, when I live in his house, I need to be in at a decent hour. He said there is an old saying that goes, "No good things happen after midnight." His exact words to me were, "Rachel, people driving around on a Saturday night at 2 am are not coming home from the library. They were out partying. They could be drunk and swearving, ect..." But it made me laugh, so I thought I'd add it.
Well, I have math homework to do and an english paper to write and I'm tired as hell. So Buh-bye!!!
Much Love,