I totally stole this from Heide.

May 31, 2004 19:08

I Want: an unlimited amount of money to go shopping!
I Have: a headache.
I Wish: I knew people out here my age.
I Hate: pimples that take up your whole face!
I Miss: having somebody to cuddle with.
I Fear: suffication.
I Hear: the ice maker in the kitchen.
I Search For: my knight in shining armor!
I Wonder: if I will survive wakin up at 7 everyday this summer!
I Love: My family and friends.
I Ache: In my tummy, I ate soooo much for the holiday!
I always: whine.
I Am Not: secure with my apperance.
I Dance: to embarrass myself/my friends.
I Sing: really loud!
I Cry: When I have to raise my voice, or when I'm stressed out.
I Am Not Always: honest, hey a girl can lie...
I Write: my name
I Win: when i don't give in.
I Lose: myself in your smile...
I Confuse: myself.
I Need: a fruit roll up.
I Should: stop sleeping until noon everyday.

My father thinks I need to: get good grades in school.
My mother thinks I am: never home.
it makes me happy: When I get in those "I know everybody loves me" moods.
upsets me: When I think about the last 2 years.

yes or no...
you keep a diary: Just online
you like to cook: not really, but i don't mind either.
you have a secret you have not shared with anyone: yes, probably.
you set your watch ahead: nope
you bite your fingernails: All the time! I can't stop!!!
Who is...?
the prettiest female you know: I dunno, nobody in particular stands out as "that pretty"
the weirdest person you know: Randy
the loudest person you know: Danielle
the sexiest person you know: That guy that lived on my floor at NIU, Derek's roommate, although I can't remember his name right now...
your closest friends: Ally, Randy, PJ, John, Melissa
the person that knows the most about you: Everybody who knows me knows everything, I'm not too good at keep secrets about myself.
your crush(es): I actually don't have one right now...
your most boring teacher: Yeah, right, like I go to school...
Do You...?
take a shower everyday: yes
think you've been in love: No
want to get married: yes
have any tattoos/where?: no
get motion sickness: no
get along with your parents: Yeah
like thunderstorms?: No, unless I am safetly inside away from them...

Ryan: Smurph
Rob: Gleniwicks (sp?)
Drew: Treptow
Stephanie: Caporali
Aaron: Brown
Amy: Mrs. Webber, even though her name is Aimee.
Will: Math class 8th grade
Paul: My brothers friend who used to hit me with the plastic baseball bat.
Eve: Christmas Eve
John: Math
Lauren: Graffeo
Alex: My boss
Dave: Sebastian
Justin: Disandro

Cuddle or Make Out?: how bout both at the same time!?!?
Chocolate Milk or Hot Chocolate?: hot chocolate
Milk, Dark, OR White Chocolate?: white chocolate, especially with those little oreo cookies in there!

(In the past week have you....)
Cried? yes, when I looked at my hair, it looked like blonde attacked my head.
Helped Someone? Probably, at work.
Bought something? Do you know who you're talking to? OF COURSE I bought stuff!!
Gone to the Movies? Yeah, The day after tomorrow.
Gone out for Dinner? Yeah
Said "I LOVE YOU"?: yes, I tell everybody I love that I love them!
Written a Real Letter?: no
Talked to an Ex?: no
Missed an Ex?: no
Written in a Journal?: just this one
Talked to a crush?: no
Had a Serious Talk?: yes, i have serious talks all the time
Missed Someone?: probably, i dunno though
Hugged someone?: probably, but again, not sure.
Fought With Your Parents?: nah
Fought With a Friend?: I fight with John every 5 minutes.

Would You Ever?
1. Eat a bug?: hell no
2. Bungee jump?: sounds like fun to me
3. Hang glide?: probably
4. Kill someone?: not a chance
5. Have sex with someone you don't love?: I would love someone that I did that with, on some level at least. Maybe a best friend or something...
6. Kiss someone of the same sex?: On a dare, or to get somebody to do something I want.
7. Have sex with someone of the same sex?: No, and isn't that lke impossible...
8. Parachute from a plane?: I hope to someday, but it's very expensive.
9. Walk on hot coals?: no way
10. Go out with someone for their looks?: to get to know them, yes
11. For their reputation?: I dunno, again, to get to know them
12. Be a vegetarian?: probably not, i like meat.
13. Wear plaid with stripes?: to make a fashion statement i guess i would.
14. IM a stranger?: i guess
15. Sing karaoke?: if i was drunk
16. Get drunk off your ass?: i dunno
17. Shoplift?: no, stealing is like the dumbest thing in the world to do.
18. Run a red light?: depends how bad i gotta pee
19. Star in a porn video?: no way, that's sick
20. Dye your hair blue?: no way, i am not a freaker
21. Be on Survivor?: no, cause i'd be a baby and get voted off.
22. Wear makeup in public?: yeah of course
23. NOT wear makeup in public?: I used to, but then it occured to me that guys LIKE girls in makeup, even though they say they don't
24. Cheat on a test?: like, look over someone's shoulder, yes.. write the answers down somewhere, no
25. Make someone cry?: not on purpose
26. Call your math teacher a motherfucker?: If I had a math teacher, i am sure he'd be a motherfucker.
27. Kick a baby?: no
28. Date someone more than ten years older than you?: ewww, wrinkly old man...
29. swear at a priest?: no, although i'm not catholic...
30. Take a job as a janitor?: yummy, clean up vomit...
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