Jun 30, 2008 21:31
So, yet another update in this thing after a long long time. I was inspired to use this again after hearing a friend of mine had one. Where does my life stand right now? Well, it's not good but then again it's not really bad. It's kind of somewhere in the middle.
I hungout with Steve today. That was interesting. I haven't hungout with him in quite awhile. We played Rock Band the whole time and I actually had a lot of fun. He got me to sing, but yeah I wasn't too happy about that lol. He's a good friend. We just ran into some problems along the way and now we're recovering.
Nick will probubly read this eventually, but oh well. I've calmed down alot since the big fight, but I still haven't forgiven him. I don't really know if I can. No one really understands why I'm mad at him but honestly you would have to completely understand both me and Nick and the relationship we had to understand what's going on right now. Otherwise you'll be lost like most people are right now. I can'tbelieve that girl had the balls to text me. That surprised the shit out of me. She's smart enough to back off though. Lucky her. Nick apparently has done something to show me he cares and I sure hope it does. I hope he actually was able to really think and care to come up with something from the heart that will in some way blow me away. Me and Janifer came up with so many things, but I told Janifer that she was absolutely not allowed to help him in anyway because I want this to come from him and only him. But enough about that.
I've noticed that I'm angry a lot. There's not always a reason though. Sometimes I'm just randomly angry and feel like killing someone. I mean I'm sure there's some reason hidden deep down in there, but I don't know what it is. Maybe I'll figure it out one day.
I've been doing pretty good in my online classes. My report card didn't look all that bad, so I'm happy about that. I have A's in both my online classes so things are going pretty well. I'm really glad it's summer. School was getting really bad and I don't know how much longer I could have taken it. Next year should be better though. I needed a nice long breather to get past stuff. I mean there's still things that I won't get past, but we can only hope for the best. This thing with Nick really isn't helping though. I mean Janifer's probubly the only one who knows how much it's bugging me because I keep bitching to her. lol Sorry Janifer. But I'm trying to deal with it. It just sucks to have that happen with someone who was so close to you I guess. Just the whole fight was pretty aggrivating. I can't fight with him. I just get angrier and angrier and that can't be good for either one of us. I just feel like he doesn't even understand why I'm mad sometimes, but then again I can say the same thing for someone else as well.
Man, I was doing so good but now I'm out. Hmmm....what else can I complain about? Oh yeah, I wanted to dye my hair, but I guess that won't be happening. I think it might have actually worked this time too. I wanted to just bleach it for now, but that can't happen. :( Not enough money. Oh well. I was going to dye it blue but seeing as how my hair is black it would take a lot to get it light enough so it could possbily ruin my hair, and I don't really want my hair to fall out. Don't think I could pull off the whole bald look. I guess in another year when it maybe has grown out I'll give it a try. But until them I'm stuck with black.
Yeah, I think that's it. I'm officially out. I guess it was nice getting back on here and writing something. I used to use this thing all the time and then I just stopped. I think it was a little while after myspace started getting really big. Everyone started going there instead. Actually I kind of preferred livejournal. I think it was more interactive than myspace but that's just my opinion. Anyways, for any of you who are actually reading this it was fun and maybe I'll write something else soon.