Aug 24, 2005 15:10
Ugh....Currently, technically, I should probably be, oh, I don't know, studying for my AP Art History test tomorrow...or studying for my government quiz/test tomorrow...or, perhaps, perhaps, doing my AP French shit. But, no. Instead, I'm on my computer, basking in the wonder that is the internet, which has been acting like a bitch for the past couple of days. Uncooperative technology!!
Anywho, yeah, so....We've finished up the Cry, The Beloved Country seminar. I only spoke once. And we're required to have spoken FIVE TIMES!! I'm so fucking stupid, I know. But, whatever. Hopefully that doesn't do too much damage to my grade. And, if it does, hopefully I can make up for it in other assignments!
Um, there's really not too much more to update on, I suppose. My life, in all honesty, is pretty mundane. Especially sans my college buddies! *tear* And with having to work (though work can actually be quite fun, most days). Well, that, and the fact that school's got me doing homework from the time I get home (roughly 3, on regularly scheduled days; 2 on short days), until 9:30 or 10. Yeah, so, there's that. But, whatever. I'm so fucking exhausted! I hate riding the stupid "cheese wagon", as Lea calls it. I have to catch the bus at 6:25 AM!! That requires me to get up at approximately 5:30. I'm not too keen on that, if truth be told. But, whatever. Hopefully that's just temporary....There are so many complications arising as my mom decides about where she's going to live, and when she'll move, etc. I mean, I'm not blaming her or anything, but that PLUS all my frustrations from school and the like have me getting all stressed out and shit. Ugh....I think I'm too fucking selfish. *sigh*
Anywho, on a slightly lighter, well, comedic, note: Arielle, Katie, Jordan, etc., "Sven" (or "Semi-Forbidden German Guy") is cheating on me; he's engaged! Ho-bag. lol (*Katie, Jordan, if you're lost, I'll clue you in later, lol*)
Oy, well, I should be getting back to homework. Plus, my mom comes home tonight! Not that living alone wasn't great, but it's quite different when you're in an entire house, as opposed to an apartment or whatever. Um, yeah; more on that later, too, I guess. Though, there's not really much to tell, and it's not like it really even matters to most of you all, anyway. Whatever.
Oh, and Alexandra; I'm sorry about before. I know I already wrote a little response to your letter, but I wanted to make note of that here, as well. I'm truly, truly sorry....I can't believe what a horrible, insensitive, bitchy friend/person I've been. I'm really ashamed of myself. Thank you, though, for helping me to realize this one flaw/fault (of many) of mine.