I'm trying to entice my memory

Aug 16, 2011 23:44

I don't know what to talk about but I feel like something is stirring in my head. I can't quite place my finger on it. So I figure if I just start ranting, I'll remember. Anyways, I've been messing up my healthy diet for the past 3 days. Not that I'm worrying about gaining weight or anything. I'm worried about what is in the fast food I've been eating for the past 3 days. I had McDonald's 2 days in a row. I hadn't had McDonald's in over a year. Actually, I haven't had their lunch/dinner items in over a year. I'll eat their breakfast although that damn oatmeal looking crap is pushing it for me. How does a fast food restaurant sell oatmeal? I wouldn't trust it. How would it taste? I guess I gotta try it out before I slam it but I have this crazy mental block when it comes to McDonald's. Whenever I think about it I get turned off. In fact, here's a video from YouTube showing the UN natural decomposition (or lack thereof) of their food versus a mom and pop store. I guess my main problem is with the fries but if it's coming from the same company, I can't just discern from burgers and fries. How do I know how they're cooking it anyway? One of my co-workers is forever eating fast food and she looks so much older than her age, is always sick or coming down with something and is always a grouch and in a bad mood. I don't know what goes on in her daily home life but I would think that pulling back off the fast food could be a step in a happier and healthier direction. But that's just me. Maybe she'd be like that even without eating all that greasy food.

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People are making comments about how our stomach decomposes the food and that there are large amounts of vegetable oil and salt on the fries protecting them from microorganisms. My thing is this is all going into the consumers body and if they eat enough of it what kind of havoc is occurring then? This is wreaking a small war within those blood vessels that are so vital to our life. The prevalence of high blood pressure is just one health problem associated with high salt content. It bothers me that there are numerous fast food restaurants in poorer neighborhoods so they eat what they can afford or can see, perpetuating the problem. But enough with my rant
Now I remember what's been stirring in my mind. I just learned that some kind of law was overturned in reference to companies referring specifically to their rivals in their commercials! I noticed starting last year that fast food commercials like Krystals (my first job) would have the mascots (Wendys, Burger King, etc) trying to hide the fact that they were eating Krystals food!! I began to think that this was in the verge of outright calling the rival company and I thought it wasn't allowed. Then just recently, I was talking with someone who said that they changed the law to where companies can now call out their rivals. No "that company" but their actual name.So I just now saw on tv the 21'st Century commercial call out Progressive or someone. I can't remember now but that's so weird hearing 2 or more rival companies in one commercial. I believe the law was created back in the 90's because the video game companies (Mainly Sega and Nintendo) were really sticking it to each other. I guess it was so blatant and obvious that it was detracting from the message... or the rival company started calling foul.

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This is rather in your face. No wonder the laws were created.

health, video games, how the world use to be, internet, food

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