I became so engrossed in Kaichou wa Maid-sama last summer that I lost touch with reality. I would say in a good way but there is no good way to lose touch with reality. It was like watching the blossoming of a beautiful love relationship. Call me a sucker but I love watching the development of puppy love. Such a good fuzzy feeling. ^.^ Misaki is such the tom boy and Usui appears so untouchable and unattainable yet they still manage to connect, albeit under unusual circumstances. I love those Animes where the female is just as rough and tumble as the guys. It's even better as she denies her emotions and still continue to deny her emotions when the right guy comes along and brings them down to earth. So Tsundere: I love you, I hate you, I love you, I hate you!! This was the first anime that inspired me to read the manga. For a female to be so oblivious to her emotions and still have the love and devotion of her "friend" who is so sure and confidant in themselves is awe inspiring.