Jul 04, 2012 18:15
I got an email from Amazon apologizing for not giving me the correct discount. Instead of $1.99 for Katy Perry's new album, I was only supposed to pay $0.99 for it. When I saw that email I was thinking did it really matter? I got an extremely good discount as is! I'm not complaining about a dollar. They told me that the dollar refund would apply to my next purchase. A credit on my account. I already spent $.85 of it on a World Order song. The song in that youtube video of a Japanese dancing (dancing?) group.
In checking my account today, I saw that the album went even higher than the original price. It's now $13.88! WOW!!! I'm so glad I caught it when I did because it is an awesome album! I love it! There are only 4 songs out of 18 that I don't care for. That's a good thing in my case. A couple of remixes. I love remixes. I wonder how many others bought the album. There is also this new songtress that I'm sorta curious about. Her name is Yuna. She's from malaysia and has a cool laid back voice. Amazon offered her Live Your Life for free. Her actual album is $7.47. I'm going to wait on that until I get paid again. I've splurged alot (for me) these last couple of days. I'm so ecstatic about these new songs!!