Feb 12, 2012 23:53
Clo gave me his Ipod touch a long time ago. I forgot why. I think he said he didn't like it or want it. At the time, I didn't have a fancy music player. Just a good ole mp3 Player. It does well enough by me. However, Clo is always trying to get me to embrace electronics and get the best quality at the same time. I was cleaning out my room getting rid of some more items I didn't need when I came across it. It was super dead and it took 30 minutes for it to charge enough to turn on. I fiddled with it and downloaded Itunes to my computer and cleared out it's memory. After all the updates and such, I find that I'm not all that enthused with it. To top it off, I can't access the Itunes store on it and I need that to download the free app for reading eBooks. So that's a loss. It's good for the internet though. Better than my cell phone, which I won't let go for as long as it works. Even if it conks out on me, I'll just pay the $50 deductible and keep on trucking. If I upgrade, that's another 2 year contract unless I pay some crazy phone price. No thank you.
I finally finished my taxes and the refund will help me pay off the rest of these medical bills!! Thank you God! That's more money in my pocket each month.... only to go towards these school loans. I would love to pay this stupid credit card off. Now that would set me up nicely. I don't know why I thought I was mature enough to not get caught up in that scam. Yes. Credit cards are scams. "We'll let you borrow this amount and you have to pay us the total amount you borrowed plus 20%." I almost made it out from undergrad before I got it. 2006. Just one more year and I would've been clear of the tempation perhaps. The only charged item that was worth it was paying for a semester of classes because I severly screwed up my financial aid for that term.
With tax season in full effect, I remember someone saying that females need to be careful of men suddenly wanting to be a couple this time of year. They are more than likely after their return. Then afterwards, good bye. And women sometimes get so caught up, they buy whatever the man wants because of the emotional entanglement involved. I talked to Clo and told him that I'm thinking about trading everything in concerning my Nintendo DS, including the handheld. I have 7 DS games. Some I've beaten, some I haven't and I've given up on. Perhaps I'll upgrade to a 3DS. Depends on the trade in value. I've had it since 2007. A graduation gift from Clo.
a helping hand,
it's a man's world