Dec 13, 2011 23:21
I've pretty much giving into my girlishness tendencies since I am a female. It's in my personality. Not all females have such resignations. Some woman can be demanding, harsh and tough and that's normal for them. I'm not that type. I don't know if that's a blessing or a disadvantage at this point. I've tried denying and changing my girly personality but it keeps getting expressed in some form or fashion. I just want to be taken seriously. That's my major concern. Women don't seem to be taken seriously. Sure we've made great strides but I sometimes get the feeling that my soft looks don't appear demanding and no nonsense enough. Or garners Intellectual respect.
Sometimes I don't want to be feminine because people might try to take advantage of me. Maybe I don't feel the need to be feminine because I'm in a stable relationship? I've caught mine. But Clo seems really attracted to the idea that I have homemaker qualities that are getting harder to find as time goes on: gardening, cooking, knitting, baking, decorating, etc. Not that they are only for females. Men can do these things too and still be masculine. But these things are associated with females and for me they just come naturally. I often hear him talking highly of these skills I've learned through the years. I can't tell if it's because he finds them feminine or he likes them because it makes me stand out among the crowd. * shrugs* So I'm just going with the flow of how I operate for now. Maybe this is how I work when under minimal stress. No graduate school work for the next 6 months.
As a side note, I'm sucking this wine down. I'm going to sleep deeply and peacefully tonight, unlike last night.
it's a man's world