early christmas present.

Dec 22, 2011 14:31

in the last couple of days we found out we're gonna be spending more money on fernando's kids than i have on mine when it comes to child care. since they refuse to get a court order, i have to put them on private child care instead of taking sophie to the cdc. they haven't once tried to help us out and we're spending so much money on them already. they have more than what they need. and all they do is make me yell and piss me off. it's driving me nuts. it's like everyone we've tried to help has been trying to take advantage of us. i barely talk to ramon since i found out that he's still paying rent to someone else when he spends most of his time here...he even does laundry here. i'm getting tired of buck too. we already told him to start looking for a place and yet it seems like he's not even trying. we don't really need his $250 dollars anymore and i'd like more room...

this makes me rethink why we try to even help people out. they say karma is a bad thing. so far we've tried to be nice and we're still getting the short end of the stick. i really hope that my deployment don't get cancelled. it's our only saving grace from everything going on. it's just so frustrating

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