
Nov 04, 2011 13:05

When the kids asked if they can stay in the Philippines, i knew it was going to be hard, esp emotionally but i was able to get through with it just fine. A coupla months ago, fernando and alicia separated and nando asked if he and ghe kids cank stay with us. And of course we said yes. But even as we were leaving for the philippines, he said it wasnt gonna happen. But when we came back, shit's hit the fan and now we have all three kids with us. Maybe im just not in the right mind set anymore...but i really didnt think that we would be taking them with us.being reminded how much i miss my girls and having to deal with 3 kids who are not my own and dont listen kinda brought be back to a time when i was working at ahome care and taking careof everyone elses grandparents when mine died without me seeing them. Its only been about 2 1/2 days and im already overwhelmed. Since they left with us very suddenly, seth and jennifer dont have a lot of clothes, lil sophie can fit in my girls' stuff...i dont even know how im going to get clothes from them, and for the next month, we are going to be struggling alot. He's not going back to work til the 10th...im getting so stressedright now...maybe itll get better when i get back to work...my mind set was definitely in a different place when we got back from the philippines. I thought we were going back, moving off base so we can save some money. But now we have 3 kids that depend on us. They dont listen very well, so its driving me even more mad whenever i think about it...it sucks...it really does...

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