Dec 29, 2005 11:23
I've decided to make every attempt to say exactly what i feel like from now on. I used to say whatever popped into my head when i was younger, and it would get me in trouble once in a while, but mostly i was happier, and more out spoken, less afraid of what people thought of me (not afraid at all actually). It's funny how as you get older you start caring what complete strangers think of you... so i think i'm going to start with strangers. Just say what i feel like out of know where to get a little practice in unspokeness and a little nonsensicalness (keeps you young). and i don't mean that i want to tell people exactly what i think of them, or go around insulting and hurting peoples feelings, I've just become far too shy some how and i'm constantly thinking of things i'd like to say to people, but for some reason i never get it out.
Ben recomended i start with Karim the guy from celebrities that i stupidly and drunkinly gave my number to, and who thinks i'm a sex addict or something thanks to Rebecca :p he keeps calling and texting, and i kindly tell him i'm busy, so next time i'm just going to be more honest (he knows i have a boyfriend) but i don't have time for his inapropriate comments and no time for nicities to strange men. haha
in closing a few things about me that few people know:
1. I hate cake. Almost every single kind of cake. there are of course a few exceptions, such as these danish alsmond squares my mom almost never makes..
2. I think the colour gold is an extremely ugly colour. gold jewelry, gold sheets, gold clothing all hideous. Some gold accents and eyeshadows are ok
3. i love listening to Bethoven
i think i'll try to add something like this with every post, which i should try doing more often.