Hiding from gunmen in Egypt

May 30, 2005 08:38

Most nights I dream and most mornings I remember my dreams, or at least the feelings of them. Most days I eventually forget about my dreams and rarely do I look into their meanings. Last night, however, my dream was especially vivid and for some reason I felt that there must be a message behind it. It keeps running through my mind.

In my dream, I was in Egypt. I was there for some sort of 'race' comparable to "The Amazing Race". I was one of the last 3 players. There were dirt hills/mountains all around and we were warned that it was especially dangerous for us to be in that part of Egypt on our own. The two other people I was with, a man and a woman, were standing on this mountain or cliff type thing and there was a road below. A car pulled up that had men with guns that were going to shoot us. The 2 people bravely stood on top of the hill and told me to go hide. Not sure why I got to hide while they stood there, possibly going to get shot, but they did. I hid behind this, I'm not sure what it was but it was big enough for me to hide behind. A woman walked up behind them with a gun. I remember concentrating so hard on trying to be super quiet and not make much noise, as well, I had to move around the thing that I was hidind behind whenever she would move so she wouldn't see me. I remember how scared I was and how hard I had to concentrate and focus to just keep hidden. She spoke to them, I coudln't really hear what she said but eventually she just took their wallets and jewelry then left. After she left, we were all silent for a few moments to make sure they were gone. Then another car pulled up with more people with guns. The man (from the race) came and got me and suddenly there was a door to go outside, although we were already outside, and he told me to quietly open it and run away. When I opened the door I was outside my highschool by the football feild and there were a bunch of other people and we all ran away.

I looked up the interpretation to 'hiding'; the main theme in my dream. To dream that you are hiding, suggests that you are keeping some secret or withholding some information. You may not be facing up to a situation or not want to deal with an issue. However, you may be getting ready to reveal and confess before somebody finds out. To dream of Egypt, indicates the roots and core of your own emotions and spirituality. It suggests of a time in life where things may have been simpler. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........
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