Jul 11, 2007 01:27
i can't believe its almost half way through the summer.. its time to slow it down.. so today i woke up and hung around the house all morning till about 2:30 then i left to go to the gallery of sound to get guitar strings.. i picked up the new deftones cd. saturday night wrist.. i like it its different but still good.. for the past two weeks i have been listening to this electronica i got and its deffinately my favorite cd i think of all time.. no matter how much i listen to it.. it never gets old.. then i hung around my dads for a bit restrung my baby and headed to moes to jam.. the jam session went good for now playing in like three weeks.. it would be cool to play one show this summer and just get some of this stuff i wrote heard.. after jamming i talked wtih amy and it really helped get alot off my chest. it felt good to get an understanding for everything that has been goin on.. after talking me and neil headed to the waffle house.. jd pulled in as we did so we all hung i got coffee with neil and jd.. we went for a ride after that and jammed out to some electronica.. chilled with moe and neil after and talked till i left and here i am now.. cleaned up the room a little cuz it was looking skirmish..yep