Nov 05, 2008 00:29
Well we have a new President today. I will respect him because I am an American and proud of it. I did not vote for him. I don't agree with his policies. I read between his lines of impossible promises and following his party lines. I believe that it really doesn't matter who is in office because the President is just a figure head. He has no real power. That would be the congress and senate. They pass all the bills. I know what you will say....the president can veto and you'd be right but the Senate and Congress can over-ride that. So I hope everyone gave more thought to who they voted in as their Congressman and Senator than who they wanted for President. I wish President-Elect Obama the best. I am proud that this country has come out of the dark ages and elected our first African-American President. I will gladly support our President because that is what Republicans do. As for a few Democrats (not all and those who shall remain nameless) who say "I'll move out of the country if the Republicans win" I say this. I guess that shows who the real Americans are. We (Republicans) don't give up, we don't quit, and we support our President no matter who it is. This is America and I am proud to be called an American.
I'll end with just saying....I am so gosh darn glad I don't have to see any more political commercials or have Hollywood shoving down my throat on who I should vote for. Good Grief!