*Blows Raspberry* :oP

Jan 13, 2010 10:01

Ugh. Writing documentation is the WORST. I find it highly amusing that while I can write poetry, music, songs, stories, etc, when it comes to documentation, my writing goes down the drain. I'm working on the documentation for the Estrella A&S entry that I'm doing (Heather, Whitney and I are singing an Italian piece together) and so far it's mediocre at best, and lousy at worst. Ugh. I asked my older sis to read over it because she is a research paper master, but still..... I'm very frustrated with my lack of skill in this area. I love doing the research, don't get me wrong. Getting to spend hours in the library is pure heaven for me. It's the actual writing bits that don't quite work out for me. *grumps* I was one of those college kids who didn't hardly ever write a research paper during my undergrad.

As a result, since I've been doing research and whatnot, I haven't been working on the venetian outfit we're all supposed to make and wear for the actual competition. I'm gonna try and pick it back up as soon as I can and hopefully it will be done by Estrella, but I have quite a few doubts that it will be done for the Boar's Den event (and original deadline to wear the dress). *sigh* I have another pretty dress that Gael gave me that I have yet to wear which I may end up going with instead for that event, but I definitely want the dress done by Estrella.

Lots of sewing to do, LOTS of sewing. We're figuring out when I'll be going to war; so far the plan is that I'll go up Tuesday with Fonda and then Rabbit can come up Wednesday and bring all our stuff and whatnot. I think it should work out; Jake's gonna set up a cot in his tent and I'll just crash in there the first night. It's not like I really need anything for that first day since all we're doing is setting up stuff.

Still need to finish the song I wrote for Sable Knight. Rabbit and I painted silk banners and Megan and Jacob's and I was able to raid some of Megan's music stash. She gave me about 7 CDs that I've been listening to religiously and they're really cool. I'm excited to learn the new stuff. Also need to talk to TRMs about the Royals feast and what type of music they want performed there. There's a lot to be done and not much time to do it. Oy.

List of things in my bag. I need to get crackin' on stuff. I need this documentation done already; it's frustrating me to no avail. :oP Tonight will be spent working on said documentation until I get angry with it, then more sewing shall occur. At least I have my priorities, right? 

sca, music, estrella, art

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