Medieval 2 days in a row

Jan 26, 2009 11:51

This weekend was busy, busy, busy! Saturday was Sable Knight. I made an organic vegetarian middle eastern basket for the auction that went for $40 or $50 which was cool. Lot of baskets went this year. Rabbit got to fight heavy and won one of the rounds he was in! I'm so proud of him :o) Sir Sean ended up winning the tourney but he was unable to beat Sir Sable. At closing court I sang a song that I wrote for everyone as an incentive to get people to start thinking about Boaronial A&S. It's an Atenveldt war song entitled "Atenveldt Atenveldt" and the crowd seemed to love it which was teh awesome. I was so nervous singing it, though; I'm very much out of practice on my performing for crowds. What was cool, though, was that HRM Walrick came up to me after court and asked that I perform it on Sunday for the Kingdom War Practice! SQUEE! It was quite a day!

Sunday was Kingdom War Practice. Rabbit and I got up early and drove over to the site only to find out that we were there an hour early. Joy. We went and got breakfast then came back and started helping set things up and stuff. For opening court one of the presentations that was done was a gentleman who mundanely is in the military. He presented an Atenveldt flag to the king that had been with him while he was in Iraq. I thought it was very touching. I performed my song at the very end as a way to get the crowd riled up and ready for fighting and it seemed to work; the audience loved it, nervous as I was. A couple people came over and thanked me for the performance in addition to asking for the lyrics. After court Barbara and I went to a Bridal Expo at the TCC and ugh! Remind me never to do that again, although I did win champagne flutes and signed up for registry. Went back to the event and just hung out mostly. We packed up everything and headed home then went to Jake and Gael's and hung out in the hot tub with them and Laurel which was fun. I got started on cross-stitching Gael's device for my apprentice's belt; we decided I'm going to be apprenticed Thursday night of war which should be cool. I'm kinda excited about it now.

This week we're hoping to finally get the new truck but we'll see what happens. Also doing Estrella prep; Rabbit's clothes need mending and I'm hoping all my stuff is in order. Fun times, fun times.

wedding, sca, friends, art

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